7 Ways to Reassure Clients During COVID-19 - Martindale-Avvo

7 Ways to Reassure Clients During COVID-19

Reassure Clients

With COVID-19, there is a lot of uncertainty. People are focused on the health and safety of their family, friends and themselves. When you add to that the rocky financial markets and job outlook, it is easy to understand why your phone is not ringing off the hook. But, there are also new legal trends taking shape. If you want to be part of the next upswing, it is imperative that you offer reassurances to clients by letting them know you are ready to handle their issue.

Identify Things Potential Clients Want to Know During the Pandemic

To win new clients, communication is the key. Right now, your potential clients need help, but they don’t know what type of help is available. A few questions they are looking to have answered include::

  • Are you open and available for consultations?
  • Do we need to meet in person?
  • Will you work over the phone and/or video conference?
  • Are the courts open if needed to handle my issue?
  • Will I be required to sign documents in person?
  • How long will the process take? Will it be delayed?

Once you have determined all of the various concerns your potential clients may have, the next step is to find ways to keep them informed, give them up-to-date information and calm their fears.

Use a Variety of Methods to Get Your Message Out

Website messaging: Your website is your firm’s foremost vehicle for sharing information. Take the opportunity to add a simple message confirming that you are open for business and how you can be reached. Provide a link to any detailed instruction pages.

Google Business Profileposts: You can add regular posts to your Google Business Profile (GBP) listing to highlight business updates. This is a great opportunity to announce changes to your firm’s practices, update clients on court matters or emphasize an area of practice.

Video: According to HubSpot, video on a landing page will increase conversions by more than 80%. Now is a great time to create a brand video to build awareness, showcase services and attract a wider audience. Here are some tips on creating your own video:

  • You can do this yourself with an iPhone or DSLR camera
  • Keep your video short. 30-60 seconds is long enough
  • Introduce yourself, confirm you are open and how to reach you
  • Tell how you can help with a few primary practice areas

Adding video to your site increases trust with customers and deepens their connection with your firm. You can update your video anytime, so don’t worry if it is not perfect. 

Video is also an ideal way to present testimonials from your satisfied clients. Video testimonials can reassure visitors that the decision to hire your firm is the right one.

Once you have a video complete, you can add it to your website, YouTube, Vimeo and social media channels. Look for opportunities to add your video message to prominent legal directories such as Avvo or Lawyers.com.

Video consultations: Let potential clients know that you are available for video consultations. There are many solutions today that allow you to have a live video conference so you can conduct business remotely. Be sure to share this information on your website, as a GBP post, across your social media, in email signatures and when you respond to leads. 

There are many free applications that you can use to communicate with clients via video. Some of these include Google Meets, Facetime, Zoom, and Skype. Be sure to test any applications you plan to use. Keep in mind that your clients may not be tech-savvy, so you may need to provide some basic instructions.

Blog posts: Take some time to write thoughtful blogs that provide more detailed answers to questions that you’re receiving from clients. Be sure to mention how your expertise or areas of practice make you qualified to help them during this time. 

You can also write transparent posts on how coronavirus is impacting your business as well as the legal community. This is a good opportunity to mention any changes to hours of operation, contact, consultations or any other changes to your usual business practices. 

New content on your website: With some law firms cutting back on resources until business picks up again, this can create an opportunity for you to grow your business.  

Start by updating your contact us and directions pages with information on how you can take video consultations. 

Then, take a look at which areas of your business you want to grow and add supporting content. This may be a detailed FAQ page on a particular subject or an in-depth answer to some common questions.

Social media: Social media sharing is a great way to get referral business. Are you adding regular updates to Facebook and Twitter? A few words about changes to your business, current events, or to let viewers know about a recent blog post, will show that your firm is active and reassure potential clients that they are in the right place.

If you are creating videos, shorter 15-30 second versions work best on social media sites to introduce a topic or provide a quick update. This is not the time for a documentary. 

The Impact of Coronavirus May Bring New Business

There may be a short term drop in the number of clicks to your website, but the legal system in this country is still strong. 

Bankruptcy attorneys are likely to see an uptick due to unemployment and businesses forced to close. Divorce lawyers may also see a spike due to increased tension from financial issues and close confinement. Estate planning law firms might notice a spike from consumers rethinking their future. The list goes on.

By getting in front of your potential clients with the right communication and content, you reassure them that they are in the right place and your firm will reap the rewards.

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