Local Search Weapon PART II - How to create a local landing page - Martindale-Avvo

Local Search Weapon PART II – How to create a local landing page

Constructing a quality city landing page is easier than most people imagine. Because many firms who optimize their website do not use local pages, implementing one could immediately give you an advantage over the competition. To begin, try implementing the following features into your page.

  • Title: The quality of your headline will be the first thing the search engine’s crawlers or “bots” will notice about your page. Keep your title an average length and to the point. Something like “Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Tampa” is a simple and effective place to start. Remember that Google considers the titles of pages when categorizing them, so be sure to keep it relevant.
  • Meta description: A meta description is a short blurb that introduces your page. Conventional SEO (search engine optimization) knowledge says your meta description should span fewer than 300 characters because anything longer gets truncated. However, many people have utilized longer explanations with what seems to be equal success.
  • Keywords: Keywords and their synonyms are what people will be searching when they want to find an attorney. Your practice area, location, and services are all necessary keywords to include on your page. Make sure to incorporate keywords naturally instead of creating awkward sentence structures to make them fit.
  • Unique content: It is important to ensure that your local landing pages are different from your regular homepage. Display unique content on your firm’s local pages, such as community events, blog posts about the news, or facts specific to the city. These small adjustments make a big difference and make you appear knowledgeable about the areas you serve.
  • Reviews: Client reviews and testimonies boost your credibility and make potential clients more likely to call you. Include reviews from people who live in the community on city landing pages.
  • Call-to-action: One of the most essential components of any page on a firm’s website is the call-to-action. People are not going to contact you if they do not know how to reach you. Tell them the best ways to get in touch with you in your last paragraph. The call to action also acts as a summary and a final piece of encouragement to readers.

The initial stages of content development can feel overwhelming, but learning how to optimize the online presence of your law firm is essential to advertising success. If you feel burdened by the task, remember that marketing and media specialists can help you create the best product possible. Whether you hire professionals or learn the ropes yourself, local landing pages are sure to enhance your website and keep bringing in leads.


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