Checklist: 10 Questions to Consider When Evaluating Pay Per Lead Programs - Martindale-Avvo

Checklist: 10 Questions to Consider When Evaluating Pay Per Lead Programs

Pay Per Lead Programs

You likely know that a pay per lead program can be an effective way for attorneys to connect with consumers at the moment they’re looking for legal help. But there are several variables to consider before you commit. How soon can I expect new leads? How will the leads be delivered? What information is included in each lead? And can I adjust my subscription or am I locked into a long term contract? 

Having answers to these questions can be the difference between an impressive return on your investment and disappointment. To help you decipher fact from fiction, we created a checklist of 10 questions you should ask when considering Pay Per Lead.

  • Where are the leads coming from?
    • Did the company send out an email blast to every visitor who came to their website telling them to fill out a form, or do they have a form fill on their website? Are leads generated from their own websites, buying keywords (SEM), etc?

Knowing how the leads originate helps reduce concerns about spam or fake leads.

  • Does this service cover my practice area and location?
    • Do they offer high-level practice areas like Personal Injury or do they offer more detailed areas like Auto Accident, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, etc?

Some lead generation companies may focus only on specialized areas such as DUI, medical malpractice or immigration. 

  • Do you offer any reporting or tracking?
    • If there is reporting, how do you access it? Is it through a program you need to download – an online dashboard or portal? Do they email the report to you daily? Weekly? Monthly?

Reporting should be easy and you should have the option to integrate with your other systems.

  • How quickly will the leads be sent to me?
    • Are the leads delivered in real-time or is there a delay?

Timely delivery is everything – you have the most success when you contact the lead within 15 minutes of submission. Delays in receiving (and responding to) leads may negatively impact your success.

  • What kind of information will be collected from the lead? 
    • Do you get full contact information? Will they provide case-specific details?

Too little information and you may not have enough to decide if the lead really needs your assistance. 

  • Am I committed to a contract? 
    • Are you obligated to a multi-year subscription, or can you quit and modify your plan whenever desired? Is there a finder’s fee attached to the leads you receive? Do you gain access to anything else from the company with the leads you are receiving?

It’s important to know and understand everything about what the service will provide.

  • Can there be multiple people on the account?

Some lead generation companies restrict access to a designated person, while others may allow multiple people to access the account (which may get confusing when trying to decide who gets what lead). Depending on your firm size, it may be easier to sign each attorney up with the program rather than having to sort out the leads by hand.

Pick a provider that gives you options.

  • Who can help me with my account?

Some lead generation companies only have a customer service number you call into and have your questions answered. Other companies will have account managers who are there to answer any questions you may have and will also continuously work with you to make sure your account is working the best for you and your business.

Look for the amount of guidance and hand-holding you need.

  • Is there a lead credit policy? 

A reputable service stands by the quality of its leads and will credit you for any spam and/or bad leads that come your way.

  • Do I need to download special software from the company? 
    • Does your computer or laptop have to fit certain parameters to have the software operate properly? Can you download the software yourself, or do you need to be on-boarded by the company? 

Some lead generation companies may require you to download software built specifically for their company so they can send you leads, which may cause problems if your current technology is not compatible with the software. 

It is essential to understand what the Pay Per Lead Program offers so you can make sure it aligns with what you want and need to help your business grow. By answering these questions, you should be able to determine f what you are looking for in a Pay Per Lead Program and ultimately make the decision on which one would be the best fit for you.

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