How Live Chat Complements Your PPC and SEO Campaigns - Martindale-Avvo

How Live Chat Complements Your PPC and SEO Campaigns

If you are actively marketing your website through highly-focused and targeted paid ads and SEO campaigns, you are likely looking to make the most of your efforts and investment. Paid search campaigns are not cheap, and proper SEO takes a lot of time and effort, so you need to maximize the value of every visitor and capture every possible lead on your site. That’s where live chat becomes an essential complement to your efforts, by increasing user interaction, visitor trust, and capturing the contact information for your prospective client.

Chances are, you are frequently evaluating the traffic to your site, especially if you have excellent rankings for highly competitive keywords in your market. If your SEO efforts are producing results, then you likely see more traffic heading to your site. What happens when those visitors reach your site? While prominently displaying your phone number and having a highly visible contact form may convince people to call your firm or fill out a form to be contacted later, you may be missing a valuable lead-capture tool in live chat. Live chat allows for immediate client interaction while letting the visitor remain anonymous until they choose to give you more personal information. Also, it enables people who are not in the position to talk on the phone (from their office desk, for example) to interact with the operator and explain their legal issue.

When it comes to pay-per-click campaigns, live chat is an essential component for capturing leads and making the most out of your investment. Live chat can be incorporated on any and all landing pages of your campaign and not only gives people a quick way to contact you, but the amount and quality of chats may be a good indicator of your campaign’s success. If you are spending the money to drive traffic through a paid search campaign, why not make sure that your pages are effective and that you are capturing all of the possible leads that you can?  One way is through text-enabled ads. You can set up a Google Adwords campaign with the Ngage Live Chat service, and every time a prospect clicks on an ad, they can easily text you to start a conversation.

Ngage Live Chat is the leader in the live chat industry and handles and delivers more leads to law firms than any other live chat platform. Don’t miss another lead.

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