4 Ways to Promote Your Law Firm Using Twitter - Martindale-Avvo

4 Ways to Promote Your Law Firm Using Twitter

how to use twitter for your law firm

Twitter has more than 353 million active monthly users worldwide, making it one of the world’s most popular social media sites. Combined with the platform’s text-based nature, its user base also makes Twitter one of the most useful types of social media for attorneys.

Twitter can be an incredible tool to help attorneys reach new potential clients with less effort. However, you need to use the site correctly, or you may not see the benefits you anticipate. In this blog, you’ll learn how Twitter can help you build awareness of your law firm, save time on marketing, and even monitor your competition.

#1: Interact with Other Attorneys and Prospects

The purpose of social media is to communicate and engage with your audience. Twitter, in particular, is all about conversations and interaction. It is a combination of Facebook-like social media, blogging, and texting. Every Tweet, or post on the site, is limited to just 280 characters, so messages need to stay short like texts. Meanwhile, people can follow you, read your Tweets, and respond to you with their own Tweets.

You can use Twitter to develop a broad following simply by engaging with other legal professionals on the site. By Tweeting with other attorneys, legal professionals, or potential clients, you can easily generate content. Every individual Tweet is another opportunity to appear on your followers’ timeline, which builds exponential exposure. Your responses will also be visible to attorneys and potential clients who follow the account with which you’re talking. If you engage with popular accounts, you can put your law firm in front of a significant audience for free.

Some topics you can Tweet about to generate interactions with peers, clients, and prospects include local news stories, landmark legal cases, and cases your firm has won. You can also respond to others’ Tweets about similar topics, adding extra information or a different viewpoint. 

‌‌You can use hashtags to increase engagement as people can search and follow individual hashtags. A hashtag is a word or phrase that follows a pound sign (i.e. #legal, #needalawyer, etc.). If you use popular, relevant hashtags in your Tweets, more potential leads or networking connections can find your content. Be sure to experiment and find the best hashtags by running a few different searches using the Twitter search functionality. For example, you can use hashtags relevant to current events and court cases to include your firm in popular discussions. Twitter has become so popular and accepted for use by attorneys that even the American Bar Association has written about attorneys’ use of hashtags.That’s a quick way to get more out of social media for attorneys.

#2: Showcase Thought Leadership

While LinkedIn is commonly thought of as the “professional” social media site, Twitter has both professional and personal accounts. You can set up a single account to to engage with peers and potential clients at the same time. Or, you can have two different accounts if you want to separate your Tweets. One way you can benefit from your accounts is by showcasing your status as a thought leader. Sharing authentic and interesting content on Twitter for attorneys, prospects, and clients can help you spread that information to a much broader audience. According to a report by Forrester, thought leadership content has a bigger impact on potential clients than any other form of content marketing. By sharing your firm’s authentic voice and interesting information on Twitter, you’re building credibility with your audience.

Sharing authentic and interesting content on Twitter for attorneys, prospects, and clients can help you spread that information to a much broader audience. According to a report by Forrester, thought leadership content has a bigger impact on potential clients than any other form of content marketing. By sharing your firm’s authentic voice and interesting information on Twitter, you’re building credibility with your audience.

#3: Focus Local

Twitter is free. If you make Twitter a significant element of your marketing strategy, you can save time and money. Instead of focusing on one-way ads, Twitter allows you to interact directly with potential clients. You can answer questions and link people to your website, generating leads who are primed to convert. And, it’s fast, saving you precious time while getting a quick Tweet out to potentially thousands of users.

You can even focus on local clients. Twitter allows you to filter Tweets by location. By monitoring hashtags like #PersonalInjury or #carcrash in your area, you can find potential clients nearby. It’s a free and effective way to connect with people who need your services.

#4: Learn from Peers and Competitors

Numerous law firms and attorneys already use Twitter as a significant source of clients and referrals. By using Twitter, you can learn from and monitor these users.

For example, you can study what kinds of Tweets get more engagement and how these firms present themselves online. The practices that work for your peers in similar locations are likely to work for you as well. You can also watch your competition to learn about their marketing techniques and generate counter-strategies.

One easy way to measure your own account with your peers and competitors is to download the Twitter feed for each account and compare them directly. You can download an archive of your own data under the “Your account” section on Twitter. Downloading a user’s entire Twitter timeline used to be as easy as downloading an XML file but has become much more difficult without third-party applications. Still, you can run Python programming scripts to collect another user’s Tweets in one place.

Once you have Twitter information downloaded, you can study it at your leisure to learn which Tweets are most successful. You’ll be able to discover the best practices for using Twitter for legal firms in your practice area and location.

Tweet With Confidence

Twitter offers several unique tactics for marketing your law firm. Using Twitter effectively can help you build a social media presence that attracts new clients and provides value to current clients and professional connections.

If you want to learn more about using Twitter and other forms of social media for law firm marketing, check out our Social Media Guide for Lawyers.

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