Using Social Media at Your Law Firm - Martindale-Avvo

Using Social Media at Your Law Firm

Social Media for Your Law Firm

Social media is a proven way for attorneys to get more clients. According to the American Bar Association, 86% of surveyed respondents for their annual Tech Report indicate that their firms have a presence on social media.

So how can you leverage your social media accounts? Small to mid-sized firms often don’t have a specialist in social media management, so they rely on staffers whose expertise is in law or other aspects of marketing. Without an in-depth knowledge of the topic, some firms abandon social media strategies as something that’s too time-consuming, or they simply don’t have the bandwidth to continue posting.

Do not despair if you’re part of that group! This post will help you learn how to use social media to present your firm as a knowledgeable and valuable resource to potential clients.

Let’s start with how to build your first connections.

#1: Interact With Related Content

Today’s social media algorithms, including Facebook, prioritize posts that inspire conversations and build safe communities. Your posted content will rank higher if it gets a lot of comments and shares, and the best way to get those is to be active on other people’s posts and have employees do the same.

Don’t wait for people to follow you. As soon as you have an account, get out there and follow:

  • Colleagues in related practice areas
  • Your local and state bar associations
  • Attorney networking groups like Martindale-Avvo
  • Consumer information networks such as Avvo,, and Nolo

As part of your social media routine, check in with these pages. Try to like, comment on, or share two to three posts every time you log on.

Also, make sure that you engage with comments and likes on your own page. Answer questions and participate in discussions that your followers start. If someone posts a thank-you for something you shared, like that comment. It takes little to no time, and it builds connections. 

#2: Share Helpful Images

Images drive engagement. LinkedIn reports that posts with images get twice as many comments as those without. On Facebook, images contribute to as much as 95 percent of an ad’s success.

One of the easiest ways to add imagery to social media marketing for lawyers is with original graphics. Consider an example from the Twitter account of international law firm Allen & Overy.

imagery on social media
Image source: Twitter

The firm uses a graphic that provides a helpful callout quote from the linked article. It also adds a photo of the quoted attorney as a personal touch. 

Another effective strategy is to create and share infographics, which let you share valuable and informative statistics in an easy-to-digest format. According to Search Engine Watch, infographics get read 30 times more often than text. Infographics are also highly shareable, which means they’re effective at building engagement.

Bonus: once you have an infographic, you can also post it on your website to get traffic through backlinks from social media sites.

#3: Create Helpful Videos

These days, the only thing more engaging than images are videos. Two-thirds of consumers consider video to be the clearest and most trustworthy type of content on social media, which may be why it gets 49 percent more interactions than images on Instagram and five times more engagement than text on LinkedIn.

Explainer videos are particularly popular. Half of all social media users prefer to learn how to do something by watching a video about it, and 97 percent of marketers report that explainer videos help people understand their product or service.

If you’re able to create clear and accessible videos about legal issues, which many people find difficult to understand, you can build value and authority with a wide audience. Just remember to avoid the jargon and explain things to non-lawyers who will watch. Consider having someone outside the profession review your videos for clarity.

#4: Humanize Your Practice

The public doesn’t always think of law firms as approachable and personable, even if the firm is small and local. Social media is a great way to pull back the curtain and show people what you do, while also demonstrating your knowledge and expertise. For example:

  • Share fun facts about your firm’s history
  • Celebrate attorney accomplishments, like awards and high ratings
  • Interview partners and associates
  • Share news from charitable organizations you support or sponsor

You can share these posts on any social media platform you use, including LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Don’t feel like you have to be active everywhere, especially not at first—it’s better to be consistent in a few places than sporadic across many platforms.

Getting Started Strong

By applying these social media marketing tactics, you can start building a social media presence that enhances your relationship with existing clients and attracts new contacts who don’t know about you yet. 

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned social pro, we want to hear from you! Take our social media survey now.

This article was updated on October 21, 2022. Don’t hesitate to ask for support in getting started. Contact Martindale-Avvo if you need help developing a social media strategy that works for your practice.

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