Best Legal Podcasts in 2023 - Martindale-Avvo

Best Legal Podcasts in 2023

Blogs, social media, YouTube videos…these days, there are a wealth of online resources available to lawyers who crave insightful content. Whether you want in-depth analysis or short-form entertainment, you should have no trouble finding something compelling. If you’ve yet to explore the vast world of legal podcasts, however, you are definitely missing out. 

Today’s podcasts go above and beyond other mediums to provide the most engaging and useful content imaginable. Listen during your commute, while you exercise, or simply as you go about your day. You will come to look forward to these listening sessions, featuring amazing hosts who quickly begin to feel like friends. There’s no better way to unwind

The only problem? A quick search for legal podcasts will reveal dozens of shows, many of which are no longer releasing new episodes. While some of these are still worth a listen for their evergreen content, it can be tough to know which shows remain relevant and which are worth skipping. To help, we’ve highlighted several of the best legal podcasts to stream in 2023:

Bloomberg Law

As one of the most respected resources in legal media, Bloomberg Law explores today’s most critical issues with an eye for detail. Bloomberg Law’s official podcast is similarly in-depth, so it’s worth a listen when you want to be entertained while also feeling productive.

Hosted by the Emmy Award-winning June Grasso, this respected podcast provides compelling analyses of current events, including Supreme Court cases and other developments relevant to legal professionals. 

Each episode includes an interview with a highly knowledgeable attorney or legal reporter. Episodes last between twenty minutes and a half hour, so this is one of the best ways to get critical information distilled efficiently — and in a highly engaging format. 

Lawyers Behaving Badly

If you crave juicy gossip in a socially acceptable format, you will fall head over heels for the enticing Lawyers Behaving Badly podcast. Think of this as your professional guilty pleasure — but one that actually offers a number of compelling takeaways. 

Dedicated to the messiest situations in the legal profession, this unique program delves into current events from the perspective of two highly knowledgeable and extremely witty lawyers. 

You will emerge from each episode feeling shocked at just how much drama is possible in the legal profession — but you will also be more appreciative of all the highly competent and ethical attorneys you encounter in your day-to-day life. 

Lawyer Stories

When you need something uplifting to get you through your day, look to Lawyer Stories for a burst of positivity. Inspired by a popular Instagram account, this wonderful podcast will introduce you to some of the profession’s most amazing individuals. You will feel drawn to their stories and eager to follow in their footsteps. 

Host Benny Gold first introduced the Lawyer Strories concept in 2017, when he realized that he was far more interested in the personal lives of the lawyers he met than the caseloads they so often found themselves discussing. 

Gold discovered the value of looking beyond the outer facade and, instead, frankly discussing personal and professional challenges. These days, he lives out his passion by interviewing a variety of lawyers and giving us a glimpse at their intriguing inner lives. 

How I Lawyer

Another excellent option for hearing inspirational stories from all types of legal professionals, How I Lawyer centers around riveting interviews that touch on many practice areas and industry trends. 

While it’s fun to simply listen as each episode weaves the story of the lawyer being interviewed, there are also plenty of actionable insights to be gleaned. As such, this is a popular listen not only for current attorneys but also among law school students. 

Georgetown Law’s Jonah Perlin hosts this podcast, with the intention of helping listeners understand the reality of what lawyers do on a day-to-day basis. He hopes to take listeners beyond the simplicity of LinkedIn profiles and provide a more nuanced dive into the realities of this career path. 

Legal Wars

Take a second look at some of history’s most influential court cases, which get a deep dive into the binge-worthy podcast Legal Wars. Hosted by Harvard Law School graduate and actor Hill Harper, this program is thoroughly researched — so it should provide new insights on cases that you may have already covered in law school. 

This is a premium podcast from the Wondery network, but it’s definitely worth the investment. Among the many fascinating cases covered: Hulk Hogan’s faceoff with Gawker and the infamous Rodney King trial that led to the LA riots. Interviews and transcripts shed new light on these landmark moments, with Harper also touching on how these cases continue to impact the legal landscape to this day. 

Un-Billable Hour

While many of the podcasts on this list provide exceptional insight into the top legal issues of the day, finding information about practice management can be a lot more difficult. Thankfully, Un-Billable Hour fills this need, providing practical advice on nearly every imaginable aspect of running a law firm.

Key areas of discussion include legal marketing, employee recruitment, technological solutions, and more. Every month, the podcast takes on a unique Community Table format that provides a variety of intriguing perspectives on common practice management concerns. 

Handel on the Law

For years, Bill Handel has been one of the most relatable voices in the legal profession. He first made his mark with a hilarious radio show, which has since made the jump to podcast form. 

These days, Handel prides himself on providing “marginal legal advice,” in which listeners are told they have “no case.” In Handel on the Law, he brings a distinct sense of humor that won’t appeal to everyone but is certainly worth a try. 

Depending on where you live, you may be able to hear Handel live or on syndicated radio — but his podcast is always an excellent backup option when traditional radio is not available. 

Treat Yourself to the Best Legal Podcasts

As you juggle a wealth of digital content, don’t overlook today’s best legal podcasts. Entertaining, enlightening, and downright inspirational, these programs will change how you view the profession and your fellow lawyers. Add several to your download list and get ready for a listening session like no other. 

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