How to Optimize Your Social Media Profiles - Martindale-Avvo

How to Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

social optimization

If things are a little slow at the moment, updating your law firm’s social media profiles can be a great way to stay productive and attract new clients. You can make simple profile optimizations for an easy project to scratch off your list quickly. Or if you’re feeling ambitious, you can make it a deep-dive project to really amp up your social media presence. 

Let’s start with easy. Here are a few steps that you could accomplish in an afternoon: 

  • Take inventory of your online listings — Start by Googling your firm’s name online. What links appear first? Look for LinkedIn, Facebook, online legal review sites and directories, Yelp, and Twitter. 
  • Update Google Business Profile first Because this listing appears prominently on the first page of results, prospective clients often see this firstso make sure it’s accurate. Here’s a great primer on updating your GBP profile (and why it matters).
  • Update basic info on all your profiles — Is your firm name listed exactly the same on Google Business Profile as it is on LinkedIn and Facebook? What about your Twitter bio? Make sure that wherever your firm name lives online that it has all the commas, ampersands, and PCs/Esq’s in the same place. Check that your address, phone (including any temporary phone numbers you put in place during mandatory stay-at-home orders), emails, and website are all up to date.

If you have a little extra time to invest in your social media presence, you could:

  • Update your profile photo If possible, have a friend or family member take a new photo of you. Consider stepping outside for better lighting (late afternoon is a great time) and a pleasant background. Or put your camera on a timer and either use a tripod or prop your phone up to take a non-selfie-looking selfie. A current photo keeps your profile fresh and helps maintain an image of professionalism.
  • Update your bios — You probably wrote that LinkedIn summary statement awhile ago. Now is the time to update it to reflect any changes to your practice, including any shifts in your primary areas of practice, new case wins or added services. Were you recognized in the community or by peers? Name any recognitions or awards that your firm has received since you last updated your profile. On Facebook, check that your “About” section has content and is a good summary of what your firm can offer clients.
  • Cross-promote your social media sites Include a link to your LinkedIn page on Facebook and vice versa. If you have Twitter or Instagram accounts, do the same there. 
  • Check your professional directory listings  If you are listed in an online legal directory, such as, Avvo or, check that all of your info is up to date and take the opportunity to revise your bio where relevant. 

Often lawyers think of social media as an ancillary part of their marketing efforts, but the reality is that social media platforms are often where clients have their first encounter with your firm. This is especially true for consumer-based practices. Not only is that first impression critical, but your opportunity to ensure that anyone trying to contact or learn more about your law firm’s offerings can do so quickly and easily.

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