SEO During a Pandemic - Martindale-Avvo

SEO During a Pandemic

SEO During a Pandemic

COVID-19 is changing how, when, and what legal consumers are searching. You may have seen some of the impact of this already on your traffic or conversion rates. During a recent webinar, a team of SEO specialists answered questions submitted by attorneys on what you should be doing right now to leverage these recent changes in behavior and use them to your advantage. The content ranged from COVID-19 specific SEO questions to more broad, everyday SEO concerns.

Q. I’ve been negatively impacted by COVID-19. How can I boost traffic to my site?

  • We’re living in an unprecedented time. Consumers are concerned and looking for answers to their legal questions. Consider adding content with answers to frequently asked questions to your website. Addressing consumer questions on your site not only helps to alleviate their concerns, but it also helps boost traffic to your site. 

Q. Where should I focus on getting reviews during the Google Review freeze? 

  • Due to COVID-19, Google announced that it will have limited Google Business Profilefunctionality, where reviews are affected. So, where should you focus on getting reviews during this time? Try doing a search for your law firm – which directories show up on the first page of Google? Do they offer the option to have reviews? If so, that would be a great place to start. Also, try soliciting reviews on your social media pages, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, or on directory services, such as, and Yelp. 

Q. How can I affordably improve my SEO? 

  • There are many ways to optimize your law practice without breaking the bank. For example, it’s free to claim your business listings on Google, Yelp, Bing, Apple, and other well-known sites. Simply claim your profile, fill in the information thoroughly and double-check to make sure all of your information is correct. If you’re a strong writer, consider writing your own content and adding it to your website; just be sure it’s clear and relevant to your site visitors. Video content is also a great way to improve your SEO. Start with the easiest tasks and work your way up to the more difficult ones.

Watch our webinar to hear more thoughts and answers on how to improve your digital marketing efforts.



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