Local Search Weapon PART I - How to Achieve Top Placement - Martindale-Avvo

Local Search Weapon PART I – How to Achieve Top Placement

Whether or not your firm appears when someone searches in your area for “lawyers in Emerald City” or “Smallville attorneys” can make a huge difference in traffic to your website and potential client-conversions. Online search results are one of the most popular methods for individuals who are looking for a lawyer, so it is crucial to take advantage of every tool available in order to enhance your results. In many cases, local landing pages are an asset that allows firms to appear in search results when people Google city-specific questions and requests. This article details what local landing pages are, why they work, and how to create your own.

What is a local landing page?

A local landing page, otherwise known as a city landing page, is an optimized webpage specifically designed for a certain city or region. Businesses use these pages to draw attention to locations or services offered across regions. For example, imagine you have a law firm in Texas that started in Houston then expanded to Austin and Dallas. The best way to advertise your firm will be through city pages unique to Austin and Dallas that showcase the services and hours specific to those locations.

If you have multiple locations or have several offices, a local landing page can give you an advantage over your competitors by boosting the number of people who come across your page and become clients. Depending on the size of your firm, you may be able to create a landing page for every office location or all of the cities you represent.

Why should I create a local landing page?

A local landing page is not a necessity for every firm. If you have only one location that people can visit and you do not typically service clients outside of that location, a local landing page probably will not benefit you. A city landing page could be useful if you are in the following situations:

  • You provide services past your physical location: If your firm has one or two physical locations but you are willing to travel outside your region for clients, you are a service area business (SAB). That means you will want to advertise the fact that you provide services to multiple surrounding areas. The best way to do so is with a city page.
  • You have multiple locations: If your firm has multiple physical locations in different cities, create a local landing page for each of the places you have an office. These unique pages will serve as a reminder that you service multiple areas and may help you rank organically for each one.

Once you decide that local landing pages are a good fit for your marketing initiatives, you must put your creativity to the test when actually creating them. Learn how to build a quality page that will get you results in part 2.

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