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Get Your Firm on Avvo Using the “Group Claim” Feature

These days, it is imperative that you get yourself and your firm listed in the most popular legal directories. This is particularly true for sites like Avvo where the amount of interaction between attorneys and potential clients is quite high. Now, Avvo probably isn’t going to publicly brag about its traffic and online presence on its own blog; but that doesn’t mean that I can’t. A quick review of some traffic-tracking websites shows that Avvo is as popular a destination, if not more popular, as Martindale’s and the site generally used as a measuring stick,

If you have not claimed your Avvo profile yet, you should. Chances are, if you are reading this, you are already up on Avvo. But is your firm? Did you know that Avvo has a tool that enables you to claim the profiles of all the attorneys in your firm in a few simple steps? Whether you have three or 500 lawyers in your office(s), all of them should be taking advantage of the Avvo directory. And it is simple to get everyone added.

Per Avvo’s Group Claim Page:

To claim the profiles for every attorney in your firm, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Download and fill out the group claim authorization letter.
  2. After you complete the authorization letter, print it out on your firm’s letterhead and fax it to us at (206) 340-6040 or e-mail a pdf copy to [email protected].
  3. Next, simply e-mail our customer care team an Excel file with a complete listing of all the attorneys in your firm along with their work e-mail addresses and ZIP code(s).

You can find these instructions at: While you’re on that page, take a quick look at some of the firms who have already used the “Group Claim” feature to get all of their attorneys listed. The list is impressive.

There you have it. No more excuses. Get your entire firm listed. And don’t forget that this applies to all legal directories (which generate more traffic than you would think). I’m in the process of doing it myself.

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