5 Marketing Approaches for Lawyers During COVID-19 - Martindale-Avvo

5 Marketing Approaches for Lawyers During COVID-19

Marketing Approaches for Lawyers

Few people — and even fewer businesses — haven’t been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although some states have included law firm employees on their lists of essential workers, many firms have had to adjust to a different set of working conditions. Finding new ways to market your firm during COVID-19 is not only a good idea, it’s vital if you want to emerge from this situation intact and even stronger. 

Court dockets have slowed scheduling in many areas, delaying some legal cases. Even so, those cases haven’t disappeared, and there is likely pent-up demand for legal services in many areas. Also, the pandemic has created a new area of legal concerns for potential clients. 

While it might be tempting to curtail your law firm marketing plans during this time, this could be a mistake. The truth is, your firm now has a unique opportunity to reach new clients if it approaches digital marketing strategically. 

So, what strategies can your firm implement in the middle of a pandemic that will produce results without making you look like an opportunist? Here are five marketing approaches you’ll want to put at the top of your list:

1. Find Ways to Give Back

People and businesses alike are struggling. Even the ones that are getting by are often fearful of what the future has in store. Start by assessing the needs in your community, and then find out how your firm can give back. If you don’t know where to start, use a website like JustServe.org for some local direction. 

When you’re doing your good deeds, take a few moments to self-promote. Post some photos, a blog post, or add it to your Google Posts feed. Show people what you are doing in the context of encouraging others to reach out to those in need. 

2. Optimize Your Google Business Profile (GBP) Page

If you haven’t done so yet, now is the ideal time to take a closer look at your firm’s GBP page. Most online searches for legal services are “local searches,” meaning a person wants to find an attorney “near me.” In this regard, your GBP listing is a vital part of online marketing for law firms

Updating your firm’s operating hours if those have changed due to COVID-19. You can also post any other changes you’ve made, such as being available for virtual consultations. Finally, continue to post updates to your Google Posts feed (they expire after a week) so that searchers can see that your firm is still open and active during the pandemic. 

3. Energize Your Content Marketing Strategy

You can continue to provide value to your readers and give people a reason to remember and trust your firm through your content, even during a global health crisis.  

Focus your content marketing topics on things that are impacting people right now. For example, many essential workers are also dealing with stressful family law issues. Some workers might also have unique employment law and estate planning matters that they need to address. 

4. Focus on Social Media Marketing

Digital marketing for lawyers should always include a robust social media strategy. With so many people forced to stay at home, social media use has gone through the roof. If you’re looking for a channel to connect with potential clients, you’re likely to find many of them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. 

Targeted social media ads are an excellent way to reach your ideal audience at a fraction of the cost of a billboard or TV ad. Instead of using the same generic messages that may or may not have worked in the past, a different approach is needed to get better results this year. 

Your ads should reflect your firm’s understanding of people’s changed circumstances. Let people know that you will still be there for them when they need you, that you are concerned about the community and doing something to help, and that you are open to engaging in a way that makes sense for them. 

5. Update Your Law Firm’s Website

There is no better time than the present to update your law firm’s website. When market conditions change, your business needs to adjust or risk being left behind. 

First, have you let clients know how your firm is addressing COVID-19? Do you offer virtual consultations and client updates? Do you require them? This information should be displayed in a conspicuous place on your home page. 

Next, what additional services does your firm offer that are relevant to the pandemic? Have any of your current areas of practice, like child custody or employment law, changed? These pages might need an update. 

Finally, what about the overall useability and effectiveness of your website? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do our competitors’ websites look better than ours?
  • Are the attorney bios and photos impactful?
  • Does our site offer high-quality resources, and are they easy to find? 
  • Is the website’s content SEO-optimized?
  • Does the website load quickly, and is it mobile-friendly?
  • Are there ways to capture leads on the website?

Depending on the answers, you may wish to opt for a website refresh to boost your business results now and in the future. 

Get Help Marketing Your Law Firm as Conditions Change

While no law firm should look to exploit a crisis, the impact that the current pandemic has had on this country isn’t going to go away anytime soon. The truth is, the way you market your legal services should continually evolve to reflect current conditions and the needs of potential clients. 

One of the things that COVID-19 has underscored for law firms is the importance of empathy and delivering value. But you don’t have to figure out how to navigate these changing tides alone. 

 Connect with us today to speak with a marketing professional and learn more about how we can help. 

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