The Power of Texting for Lawyers and Law Firms - Martindale-Avvo

The Power of Texting for Lawyers and Law Firms

Amazingly, 81% of Americans text regularly, and over 560 billion text messages are sent every month![1] This is not a fad. These texts represent an ever-growing form of communication for a quick and hassle-free communication.

So how does texting help attorneys? 

Let’s break it down. An article published by Ring Central found that 32% of texters have closed a business deal via text.[2] Why? Text simply tends to seem more urgent and direct. These messages have the power to stop someone in their tracks wherever they are just to read your message – for example, follow-up to a consumer’s inquiry about your services.

Additionally, Text Request reported that the average American has their phone on them 22 hours a day.[3] They can be at work, at home, at the gym, the bathroom – you name it, they probably have their phone by their side. This means that texting also increases the chances of your message being seen. In fact, texts have a 99% open rate vs 40-50% on a good day for email. Texting also has a 45% average response rate.

Creating the perfect intake synergy

If you or your intake team relies solely on phone and email, then think about utilizing text messaging as well. All three can create perfect intake synergy. In fact, if you are not texting to follow-up on inquiries, you’re probably missing opportunities.

Captorra – a leading intake software provider for lawyers highly recommends sending a follow-up text message after the initial phone call or email.[4] It is another reminder for the lead to keep you in mind.

Adding text as a communication approach for your intake and lead nurturing is not only a wise decision, but a necessity if you plan on keeping up with your prospective clients and their needs. The end result: win more clients.





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