Reasons To Blog As A Lawyer - Martindale-Avvo

Reasons To Blog As A Lawyer

Are you looking for new ways to develop your expertise and attract more clients? If so, you should consider adding a blog to your law firm’s website. Blogs are a great way to improve your E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, or trustworthiness). EAT is an important ranking factor for Google. Showcasing your expertise and answering frequently asked questions in your industry lets Google know you are a good resource. Blogs can also be a great addition to your client acquisition strategy. 

Let’s look at three ways blogging can help grow your legal practice. 

1. Keep Your Skills Sharp 

One of the best ways to stay sharp is to teach others. If you’re going to write a blog post about a specific legal issue, it might be worth linking to a non-competitive, third-party source that outlines that type of case. It could be something topical in the news or it could come from another legal news source. You can dissect the nuances or point out pertinent information for your audience to provide your own expertise. 

2. Give Your Practice a Personality 

Differentiating yourself as a law firm can be difficult. When clients search around the internet for an attorney, many websites look the same. Blogging is a great tool to help you stand out because it gives you a platform to develop and broadcast your own voice. When you post regularly, potential clients will recognize a distinguished personality behind the firm. In your posts, you decide how casual or professional you want to be and tailor your tone for your ideal clients. 

3. Connect With Prospective Clients 

According to our Hiring an Attorney report, when consumers researched lawyers or firms 47% looked at online directories, 43% searched Google, and 36% of consumer reviewed law firm websites. To stay competitive, you need to learn how to attract clients on the internet. Blogging is an excellent way to find new clients. It provides a steady stream of content you can use across a variety of media and boosts exposure to your website. For example, you can link your posts in email newsletters or social media accounts to increase your reach. Blogging also creates more avenues for folks to find your website organically with search engines. The more ways you can get your name in front of prospective clients, the better. 

Start Blogging Today

Blogging helps you develop your expertise, create a unique voice, and reach more clients. By incorporating SEO, prioritizing readability, and including a strong call to action at the end of your posts, you will take your law practice to the next level in no time.

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