How to Choose a Legal Lead Management System - Martindale-Avvo

How to Choose a Legal Lead Management System

Leads comprise the lifeblood of your law firm. Your team’s efforts to secure them through strategic legal marketing is a crucial part of the process, but what you do once you’ve acquired qualified leads could prove even more important. Without a structured, streamlined approach, you risk losing the prospects you’ve worked so hard to obtain.

The need for an effective lead management system is clear, but the abundance of options may make it difficult to select the right solution for your practice. Not every system is suited to every firm, and the right solution will take your practice’s unique needs and setup into account. Keep an eye out for the following essentials.

Ability to Integrate Different Types of Leads

The most successful legal marketing program involves numerous lead sources, plus multiple options for helping potential clients get in touch. Ideally, your practice’s lead management solution will make it easy to integrate leads from various sources directly into your system. For example, a well-rounded system might integrate prospects from your law firm’s website or chat functions, as well as leads acquired through third-party providers.

Partnerships with Top Case Management Programs

While your practice can benefit from maintaining separate solutions for intake and case management, these systems should integrate seamlessly. This allows you to make the most of your previous efforts to gather key intake information—and to avoid the time-consuming task of reentering this information into a case management system.

If your lead management vendor maintains the right partnerships, you can enjoy the best of both worlds: dedicated solutions for both intake and case management, along with an easy transition from acquiring leads to managing clients.

Real-Time Oversight

The ideal lead management system includes an easy-to-access dashboard featuring real-time oversight for lead integration. This allows you and your firm’s staff members to monitor leads as they flow into the firm. Real-time systems lend themselves well to swift lead contact, greatly increasing the likelihood of converting the lead and reducing the need for time-consuming and ineffective follow-ups.

Automated Follow-Up

As indicated above, prompt follow-up can ensure that qualified leads ultimately become clients. Automated systems are ideal, as they increase the likelihood that leads will be contacted while you’re still top of mind and before they move on to seek out competing practices. Aim for a personalized system, in which the number and timing of follow-up attempts are tailored based on your firm’s unique needs.

Drip Campaign Features

A steady drumbeat of follow-up communications, known as a drip campaign, keeps clients interested while providing the value needed for an eventual conversion. Follow-up frequency matters too. Interactions with potential clients tend to prove more effective when content is tailored based on both previous efforts and the specific type of case in question. When in doubt, opt for lead management systems with personalized drip campaigns for both email and text messaging.

The Takeaway

A well-rounded lead management system takes a variety of concerns into account, including the need for simplified lead integration, follow-up automation, and real-time insights. There’s no room for compromise when it comes to leads management—the right system could make all the difference as you strive to improve marketing and intake ROI. 

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