Ask Attorney Jennifer B.: How to Put Prospects at Ease - Martindale-Avvo

Ask Attorney Jennifer B.: How to Put Prospects at Ease

Put Prospects at Ease

When a legal issue arises, no one wants to wait for answers. A prospective client reaches out to a lawyer seeking an immediate response. While a quick answer may not resolve the problem, it does provide a sense of comfort and relief and gives the client faith that the lawyer is going to give the needed assistance. That is why it is imperative for us, as lawyers, no matter how busy we may be, to recognize that prospective clients need prompt attention.

How can we show prospective clients that we are there for them so that they will trust us with their matter going forward? The tips below provide a roadmap for making a good impression on a new client and allowing them to develop confidence in you so that they will give you the opportunity to handle their legal matter:

Be Responsive  

When a new client calls, it is imperative to make them a priority. Return the call as soon as possible and see what you can do to provide assistance.  No matter how qualified you are or if you were highly recommended, if you don’t respond to a new client’s inquiry, there is a high probability the client will move on to a new lawyer who is more interested in securing the representation and more available to take on a new case.

Provide Substantive Information 

For the most part, a prospective client is trying to determine whether you are the right lawyer to assist them and with whom they will have confidence. As such, during the initial consultation, it is important that you demonstrate to the client that you are qualified to take on the representation. Provide the client with substantive information that shows your knowledge and expertise and that you have the wherewithal to accept their case. This will assure the client that you are the right lawyer for the job.

Give the Client Your Undivided Attention  

It is imperative that you give not only your prospective client, but all your clients, your undivided attention when you are communicating with them. While the nature of the legal practice dictates that we juggle many matters, to each client, their matter is the most important. As such, the lawyer must treat it that way. If you are distracted or too busy to give the client appropriate attention, this will not endear the client to you.  Rather, the client may find someone who is willing to be available and who really wants to listen to them and give them the attention they deserve.  

Having a busy practice is something to which most lawyers aspire, but for the most part, it is built by one client at a time. Lawyers owe a duty of care to their existing clients while also proving themselves to new clients by showing that they are willing and able to take on a new matter.  Being responsive, providing solid information and focusing on the client’s needs are three ways to show prospective clients that you are the right attorney for them.

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