How to Ask Clients for Online Reviews - Martindale-Avvo

How to Ask Clients for Online Reviews

Online reviews have become increasingly important for law firms. Today’s clients find everything on the internet, so it’s crucial for law firms to make sure they stand out in Google, Yelp,, and other searches and have compelling reviews posted on the most trusted sites. 

The first step to getting more reviews is to ask. By creating a protocol for reviews, you can make sure that every satisfied client is given the tools they need to write a review that gets your firm noticed. Here’s how to get started.

Create a Process for Online Reviews

Soliciting reviews works in very much the same way as a sales pitch does. Great sales professionals know that it’s a numbers game, and you need to cast a wide net to get results. For this reason, your firm needs to develop a system for discussing reviews with every client.

  1. Ask every client. You’ll boost your odds of landing great reviews if you ask everyone, every time. Unless your relationship was very difficult, tap each client for a review. The more reviews you have, the more trustworthy the results are to searchers.
  2. Send an email. This is the easiest way to get in touch, especially if you craft a standard letter complete with links to popular reviewing sites. 
  3. Start with Google. Point clients to a variety of websites where they can leave reviews. Direct clients to your business’s short url on Google and provide some quick instructions on how to leave reviews. These reviews will come up right away in searches, so they’re very important.
  4. Provide plenty of options. Google’s not the only site that matters, and you’ll be more likely to get a review if you offer a site that’s already within someone’s comfort zone. Facebook, Yelp,, and are all good choices.
  5. Check your state’s ethic rules. State bar association guidelines vary, so be sure to double-check about rules surrounding personal testimonials. This due diligence will ensure that you’re doing everything the right way. 

Tips for Bankruptcy Attorneys (and others whose clients may be reticent)

Asking for legal reviews can be tricky when your client is dealing with a personal issue. Many people feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when it comes to talking about money, and bankruptcy may carry a stigma for them. In these situations, it’s a good idea to focus on options that allow for anonymous reviews to boost their comfort level and increase the odds of getting a review. and are tops for anonymous reviews that will have the biggest impact.

Closing Arguments

In today’s fast-paced world, the number one way people will find you is to search online. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your name is right at the top of the search results. Online reviews build trust and help your law firm stand out, so they’re a one-two punch that will help build your client base for the future.

Start generating more reviews for your practice today with an attorney profile.

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