Driving Traffic to Your Law Firm Website - Martindale-Avvo

Driving Traffic to Your Law Firm Website

There are four significant ways to drive traffic to your website:  Quality content, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media, and web analytics.

Create Quality Content

Just creating content isn’t enough. Your site must have top quality content to drive more traffic to your website. If your content is clean, organized, and easy to read, your website will rank higher in search results. When your content is helpful and useful to visitors, you are more likely not only to drive traffic to your website but also to help retain visitors on your site.

Optimize Your Site With SEO

SEO ensures that you are attracting users to your website by appearing in their search results. By optimizing relevant, practice-area specific keywords for each page of your website, you will likely see more web traffic than if you only optimize one page of your website. You also will be driving the type of traffic you want — people looking for your specific services. When optimizing your website, remember to focus on the user and not the search engine. What does your site’s visitor want to know? By making the pages on your site easy-to-navigate, informative, and relevant to your practice, you can ensure that the visitors you drive to your site can find what they are looking for quickly and will contact you for help.

Drive Traffic from Social Media

Social media can increase your site traffic as readers share your content with others who then visit your site for more.  First, work with your website developer to make sure your content can be easily shared on the most popular social media platforms.  Then make certain you create informative, shareable content.

Use a compelling title. When users browse social media, there are countless other posts available for them to read,  so the goal is to convince these users to view your post and your site. The inclusion of an interesting image also increases the likelihood that your content will be shared.

Use Metrics To Analyze Your Website’s User Activity

Analytics can be invaluable for determining what is working for your website and what is not. From this data, you can make adjustments to your site to better optimize resources and content to drive traffic. By carefully monitoring which pages on your site generate the most interest, you can continue to add relevant content to those pages and build additional pages around those topics.

If your site just launched, has very few pages, or doesn’t have much traffic yet to analyze, take a look at your competitors’ pages, or see what people are commonly asking the search engines about. If you can model your own site’s content off of clear indicators of success and give your pages a unique and personal spin, you can start to generate interest in your site and get traffic flowing to your new pages.

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