Does Your Online Biography Have What It Takes? - Martindale-Avvo

Does Your Online Biography Have What It Takes?

Potential clients shop around. They review a number of attorneys, even when they’ve been referred by a friend.  Does your online profile have what it takes to convince a prospect to contact you?

Anatomy of a robust online biography

In order to convert viewers into clients, you need to make clear not only that you stand ahead of the pack in terms of credibility and effectiveness but also that you can resolve their specific legal issue. Consumers don’t understand the law and harbor concerns that because of this their lawyer will look down on them or even hoodwink them.  Dissuade them of these thoughts. Write like you speak and use language that shows passion and dedication. Almost anyone who is hiring a lawyer has a great deal at stake. Your profile should convey that you work hard for your clients and take a personal interest in their outcomes.

To further differentiate yourself, be sure to incorporate these elements into your biography.

  • Build trust with a high-quality, professional picture. We cannot stress enough how important this is. Images increase conversion rates. Your photo engenders trust on behalf of the viewer. Hire a professional to capture you in a professional light. A sloppy cell phone picture can do more harm than good.
  • Confirm ability with years of experience. Reassure prospects that you can resolve their legal issue because you’ve been doing so for other consumers for years. If you are just starting out in your practice, you’ll need to be more creative in conveying this point. Rather than using years, quantify your experience with other numbers that work. For example, “I’ve helped dozens of clients resolve their legal issue within one month’s time.”
  • Provide “virtual client referrals” with reviews. Ninety percent of consumers consider reviews essential to making a buying decision. They assess not just reviews’ scores, but their quantity and recency. Prominently display your reviews on your biography so prospects can see others recommend you.
  • Demonstrate results with success stories. Prospects that see evidence of your concrete results will have an easier time envisioning the same results for themselves. While being sensitive to client confidentiality and your state bar rules, include testimonials, case studies, lists of representative closings, deals or cases.
  • Be human.Share information about your hobbies and interests. Tell the story of why you decided to practice law or of the satisfaction you derive when you achieve your clients’ goals. Use humor if appropriate. Giving prospects a way to relate to you increases the likelihood they will want to work with you.
  • Don’t play hard to get. Last but not least, make sure you include your contact information. This may sound like a no-brainer, but don’t overlook the fact that each prospect has his or her own preferred method of communicating. Some will text, others will call, and still others prefer to complete a form or send an email. Make it easy for prospects to get in touch.

Remember, prospects care more about how you can help them with their problem than with the particulars about your education and where you are licensed to practice.  Of course you need to include this CV-type information in your biography, but most importantly you need to successfully communicate that you have the relevant knowledge and experience to guide your prospect through their legal dilemma.

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