Attorney Matheny recommends Martindale-Nolo | Martindale-Avvo

Case Study: Associate Attorney Austin Matheny recommends Martindale-Nolo leads

Austin Matheny Arizona case study

Martindale-Nolo runs an extensive digital network consisting of multiple thorough legal websites. Clients who run into legal issues can turn to the Martindale-Nolo network for solutions. There, they will discover a wealth of accurate legal information to educate them about the scope of their situation.

Then, they can decide if they need professional legal assistance and complete a law firm intake form to request more information from a local attorney. Martindale-Nolo matches these intakes with local lawyers who can help by sending firms new leads. The law firm receives the potential client’s contact information and details regarding their legal issue and can decide how and when to follow up with them.

While at Grant Morris and Dodds (now solely in Nevada and Utah, Austin Matheny was an Associate Attorney at their satellite office in Chapman, Arizona. The law firm provides legal counsel related to the following services:

  • Asset protection
  • Elder law
  • Estate planning
  • Guardianship
  • Probate
  • Wills and trusts

Grant Morris and Dodds is well-established in Nevada and Utah, so this particular Arizona office needed help finding legal leads, and the typical online ads were not giving the firm what it needed.

According to Matheny, “The main reason we started with Nolo is because we were opening up a satellite office… and we needed a good start… The typical ads we’d been using weren’t enough to start introducing myself to clients.”

Lead Delivery System

The attorneys at Grant Morris and Dodds discovered Martindale-Nolo’s pay-per-lead services and incorporated the legal lead delivery system into their advertising plan. Before long, the law firm received fresh leads.

Matheny quickly learned the best way to utilize these leads:

“Some of our best practices for follow-up with new leads is to simply get on the phone right away… they like that we’re responsive and we’re immediately showing that we care and want to answer their questions.”

Instant Client Relationships

Rather than waiting for potential clients to walk into the office, Matheny has Martindale-Nolo deliver leads to him instantly. These leads come through to his laptop and phone via email and text, so he never misses a beat. 

He has found that having these pay-per-leads delivered — complete with contact details and legal questions — gives him the perfect opportunity to provide immediate feedback and show his clients that he cares.

Matheny stated that one of the best parts about Martindale-Nolo’s legal lead services is the opportunity for fast personal connection:

“Having the ability to talk to a client — having a phone number and being able to answer your questions and start the relationship right away has really helped out a lot.”

Matheny recommends Nolo’s pay-per-lead services to any law firm aggressively seeking new clients:

“This is an opportunity to go out and talk to people. You answer some questions, and as you build that relationship, they hire you once they realize that you’re genuine and you want to help.”

Learn more about Martindale-Nolo’s legal lead services by contacting them today.

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