Attorney’s Top 5 Lead Follow-Up Mistakes Webinar Recap - Martindale-Avvo

Attorney’s Top 5 Lead Follow-Up Mistakes Webinar Recap

Martindale Avvo webinar

As a law firm, having a steady flow of new clients allows you to continue doing the work you spent years preparing for. However, the process of turning a potential client into a new client can often prove difficult, and timing is always of the essence. In our October webinar, we discussed the top five lead follow-up mistakes and provided advice on how to avoid them.

1. Not Following up on a Lead Within 5 Minutes

During the webinar, we discuss that the odds of retaining a client drop by nearly 400 percent if you don’t respond to the lead within five minutes. It’s important to remember that a potential client who reaches out to your firm has likely reached out to numerous other firms, so every minute you or your intake team waits to follow up, the chances that another firm gets there before you increase.

2. Fear of Over Communication

While the fear of overwhelming a lead by reaching out too often may feel insurmountable, persistence is key when it comes to conversion. Remember: these prospects need legal representation. They want help. So what’s the magic number? How many times should you try to reach out before calling it quits? The answer is six times. 

A common issue with this level of follow-up is the amount of time it takes. As an attorney, you’re likely handling multiple cases and clients, leaving you less time to devote to intake. One way to help your firm improve your lead conversion rate is to invest in a dedicated lead intake team – a group or person who is solely responsible for following up on leads. This frees you up to concentrate on other areas of your practice while remaining confident that you’re growing your client base.

3. Only Using Phone Calls as a Means of Reaching Out

With various modes of communication available to individuals and businesses today, relying on one medium to reach out could be damaging your success rate when it comes to lead conversion. In addition tocalling and emailing potential clients, utilize text messaging as a means of getting a faster response. Studies show that the open rate for emails is a mere 22%, compared with a 98% open rate for text messaging. 

4. Not Reaching Out at Different Times of the Day

When it comes to reaching out multiple times a day, it’s important to note that the best results occur when these attempts are made at different times. If someone doesn’t answer at 10:30 AM, calling five more times within that hour may prove ineffective. In fact, given the fact that many people work some semblance of a 9 to 5, reaching out before 9 or after 5 could be a better use of your time. This way, you’re catching people before they leave for work or once they’re home and more available to have a conversation about their needs.

5. Not Tracking Your Results

Tracking the number of leads coming in, as well as your response rate, is an important part of increasing your firm’s effectiveness. You can’t improve if you’re not aware of how successful your efforts have been. If you’re not asking questions like, “How often did we reach out six times without hearing back,” or, “What time of day saw the best results,” then you won’t be able to know where to concentrate your efforts. Track your progress over time using different tactics to get the best sense of what works. 

To hear the full webinar about these 5 lead follow-up mistakes and how to avoid them, click the link below.

Watch the webinar here.

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