5 Ways to Transform Your Social Media Strategy in 2020 - Martindale-Avvo

5 Ways to Transform Your Social Media Strategy in 2020

Social media has been a game-changer for many industries, and law firms across the country have definitely used it to their advantage. Social media is a valuable way to start conversations on topics relevant to your firm, get in touch with new leads, strengthen your reputation, and find opportunities for growth. As you develop your law firm’s marketing plan for 2020, try these social media techniques.

1. Use a Social Media Management Tool

Managing content across multiple platforms can be time-consuming. Social media management tools allow you to create and schedule posts across several platforms.

Choose from free and paid social media management tools. Hootsuite and Buffer offer limited free plans, allowing you to post on 3 different social accounts. Paid plans on Sprout Social or Khoros (formerly Spredfast) offer more robust capabilities. In addition to scheduling, you’ll have features such as social listening (used to track where and when your firm is mentioned), moderation, and the option to set up workflows to collaborate easily with your team. 

Make sure whichever tool you sign up for offers analytics, so you can figure out where your efforts are paying off.

2. Go Where Your Target Audience Is

Many law firms fall into the trap of seeing what works for one firm and committing to it before considering their own market. A platform that brings in the lion’s share of a local personal injury law firm’s leads may not yield the same results for a family law firm specializing in high net worth divorces. By looking at the demographics of each major social media platform, you can determine where your target market spends their free time and where you should invest in profile management, posting, and advertising.

3. Stay Active on LinkedIn

LinkedIn doesn’t get the credit it deserves when it comes to law firm marketing and business development. A strong LinkedIn presence lends an air of authority to a lawyer or a law firm. This networking platform can also help you connect with professionals across a range of industries, which may produce referrals and recommendations. Use LinkedIn to connect with people in relevant industries, reach out to others in your area of law, and post relevant content. This is also a cheap and easy way to stay connected to people that you have worked with or gone to school with in the past. 

4. Use Eye-Catching Images

The internet makes it easy for readers to find the information they are looking for in a matter of seconds. The downside of this is that the average reader’s attention span is very short. It’s not enough to have well-researched, relevant content that matches the terms you are targeting. You also need carefully chosen images that reflect the content in your posts and catch readers’ attention. In addition to stock images, consider creating infographics that sum up key points from a blog post. Infographics are easy to share across multiple social media platforms, so they can also extend your reach.

5. Listen to Conversations About Your Brand

You can’t read your visitors’ minds, but with social listening tools, you can at least find out what they’re saying about your brand. What’s being said about you is just as important as what’s being said to you. Social listening platforms allow you to track mentions of your firm’s name, competitors’ names, or industry terms. You can use this information to follow up on complaints, address weaknesses within your firm, or engage with those speaking positively about your services.

Whether you’ve already started to explore the power of social media as a marketing tool or you’re just getting started, use these tips for a strong start to the new year.

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