Grow Your Firm by Utilizing Your Own Secret Weapon - Martindale-Avvo

Grow Your Firm by Utilizing Your Own Secret Weapon


As a business owner, you know that repeat business is good business, and customers that come to you from a referral or word-of-mouth are more than willing to pay your rates because they already trust you. Whether you’ve been practicing law for years or you’re the new kid on the block, you should have a robust list of contacts. That list should include past clients, people you met while networking, or your family and friends. If you aren’t staying in touch with them on a regular basis, you’re losing business that should be yours.

That’s where your email list comes into play. In a perfect world, you would be taking time out of your week to focus on those contacts and nurture those relationships. Even if your contact list is only 100 people, it’s virtually impossible to spend time with every single one of those people each month. 

However, sending a single, consistent email to your contacts each month takes care of all of that, plus:

  • It reminds your contacts of what you do
  • It keeps you top of mind so they think of you first when they or someone they know needs legal help
  • It elevates your credibility, especially if you provide worthwhile content in the email

Seriously – a single monthly email could bring in five or six figures of business you’re currently not getting simply because you’re not keeping in touch with your contact list. We believe this is the single most underutilized tool for most attorneys. 

Even more – rather than relying on other, less direct marketing methods to bring you leads, you have full control over your email list. Who doesn’t like being in control? Your email list allows you to nurture the contacts you already have so you can grow your business from the inside out!

We’re happy to show you more about staying top of mind so you can increase your referrals, attract better clients, and realize a higher ROI on the rest of your marketing efforts. Click here to chat with us today!

Spotlight Branding believes that SEO is overrated, and that to get the best results you need to build a strong brand. We work exclusively with solo and small law firms to help them get more referrals and attract better clients. Our services include website design, social media, and content creation.

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