What Is a Pay-Per-Lead Company? - Martindale-Avvo

What Is a Pay-Per-Lead Company?


It doesn’t take a law degree to figure out why lead generation is so important to a law firm just starting out – or even an established law firm. Law firms need clients in order to keep the lights on. You can only get so much business from repeat clients and word of mouth. Eventually, you need to invest in marketing and generate leads to obtain  new clients and grow. 

But generating leads can be a time-consuming task when you’re already busy trying to run a law firm. That’s where a pay-per-lead company like Martindale-Nolo can help.

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of finding potential clients through your advertising, website and marketing.  For instance, many law firms offer free consultations for the initial appointment so that they can go over the details of the case with the potential client before any commitment is made. 

Online, lead generation typically involves  obtaining the contact details of potential clients so that you can schedule a call with them and move them through the sales funnel and convert them into a client.. You can do this by launching ads on websites and social media platforms where your potential clients might be found, by offering a free ebook on your website, or by hiring a pay-per-lead company to handle lead generation for you. The last option is particularly helpful for law firms that do not have the time or in-house expertise to handle lead generation themselves.

How Much Does Lead Generation Cost?

The cost of lead generation can vary depending on what kind of lead generation you do. With a pay-per-lead company, the cost will vary depending on how many leads you get over a period of time. You may be able to set a maximum budget that, when reached, pauses your lead generation efforts until the start of the next month.

Ultimately, the cost of your lead generation depends on the budget you have set aside for lead generation. The Small Business Association recommends putting 7 to 8% of your revenue aside for marketing, though some firms put as much as 20% into marketing. Keep in mind that with pay-per-lead, the more you budget for lead generation, the more leads you’ll receive. Those leads could turn into clients who bring in additional revenue.

The Importance of High-Quality Leads

One problem that law firms run into when conducting lead generation is generating a lot of dead-end leads. For example, you might have an ebook about personal injury behind gated content that receives a hundred downloads. The users who downloaded the ebook become leads that you can email with further information. But if the vast majority of those leads are uninterested in any further interaction with your firm, that is wasted effort on your part and can be frustrating.

If you try to sweep too broadly in your lead generation, you can end up with leads irrelevant to your law firm or spambot leads. These leads will bring no new business to your firm, and if you have a limit on the number of email contacts you can have, they only take up space that should be filled by high-quality leads.

A high-quality lead is a potential client who is actually seeking to hire a law firm relevant to your firm’s specialty. For instance, if you have a personal injury firm, someone who may have recently been in a car accident is a high-quality lead. If you practice in the field of copyright law, you might want to attract writers and artists as clients. These leads have issues with which your firm can assist and are more likely to become clients.

How Pay-Per-Lead Companies Work

A pay-per-lead company specializes in generating and delivering qualified leads to your firm that match your firm’s specified practice areas and serviceable geographic counties.  A typical lead will include contact information and a detailed case description. These leads are generated and delivered to your firm in real time.The leads you receive are limited to users who are specifically looking to hire a law firm. You know that their interest in your firm has already been piqued and that they may be searching for an attorney. Once you receive a lead, it’s important for your firm to quickly follow-up with the lead to schedule a new client consultation meeting. 

Pay-per-lead is attractive to many firms because it takes the work of generating and sorting through leads out of your hands. Some pay-per-lead companies, such as Martindale-Nolo, will even personally vet leads so that you receive only high-quality leads likely to give you the best return on investment. This is also handy for many law firms because most lawyers are not themselves marketing experts. With the help of a pay-per-lead company, you don’t have to be.

What Sets Martindale-Nolo Apart

Pay-per-lead companies are nothing new in the world of digital marketing. There is no shortage of options from which to choose, and like most services, you want to make sure you choose the right company to partner with. What sets Martindale-Nolo apart from the crowd? 

  • Specialized in legal marketing. Martindale-Nolo is the leading provider of legal leads for law firms and individual attorneys. They are an extension of Martindale-Avvo, a major and comprehensive legal marketing firm. When you work with Martindale-Nolo, you know you’re working with a pay-per-lead company that knows the legal field inside and out. 
  • Largest collection of legal websites in the world. Martindale-Nolo has a vast reach when it comes to lead generation. Their network includes Nolo.com, alllaw.com, and divorce.net, to name a few. 
  • Vetted leads in real time, on your budget. Martindale-Nolo vets every lead that comes through our system to make sure that it’s a high-quality lead for you and sends them to your email and CRM system in real time. You can start gaining new leads right away, and on your budget. They work with firms of all sizes, so you can set the budget that works best for you, with no hidden fees. 
  • Leads tailored to your firm. Few firms work in only one practice area. Martindale-Nolo provides over 55 practice areas to choose from in your ad. With carefully tailored targeting, your ads reach your demographic so that your firm gets that competitive edge. 

Martindale-Nolo leads the industry when it comes to generating leads for law firms and attorneys. Despite that, their services are still remarkably affordable and tailored to your budget. With the return on investment you’ll find from your leads, you may be able to grow that budget in no time.

Is a Pay-Per-Lead Company Right For You?

Pay-per-lead is an excellent option for busy law firms and attorneys who don’t have the time or skill to focus on their lead generation. You have to help your clients, but lead generation still needs to get done. Martindale-Nolo can focus on introducing you to new potential clients. Start generating high-quality leads as soon as possible. Contact Martindale-Nolo today to hear more from a legal marketing expert about how they can help you.

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