5 Steps to Get More Quality DUI Leads - Martindale-Avvo

5 Steps to Get More Quality DUI Leads

DUI Leads

As a DUI attorney, you have a challenging job. Defending DUI clients takes effort and skill, and finding new clients is even trickier. Marketing your services to the people who need them while maintaining your professionalism involves walking a fine line. Even when you get a lead, you don’t always get a client. Why? Because they found a different lawyer elsewhere, they were price shopping, or they simply didn’t understand how hiring an attorney works.

As an attorney, your time is money—there’s no reason to waste your time on low-quality leads. Instead, focus on bringing in more quality leads and you’ll gain more clients in less time. Here are five ways to get DUI attorney leads with ease.

Build and Perfect Your Google Business Profile

When people actively search for a good DUI attorney, Google is one of the first places they check. People who need a lawyer are likely to search actionable terms known as transactional keywords. For example, someone who’s just received a DUI citation will likely search “best DUI lawyer near me.” These prospects  need to find an attorney quickly and are more likely to convert. 

When terms like this are searched, Google provides a map with options that are local to the searcher. These listings pull information from the Google Business Profile database, which includes the business name, address, phone number, reviews, and website. Google shows these businesses in order of how well they meet the search criteria and how complete their profiles are. 

Taking the time to clean up your Google Business Profile can help it rank higher and bring you more leads who are likely to convert. 

Sponsor Local Organizations

Another way to improve both your search engine optimization (SEO) and your general reputation is to sponsor local organizations in your community. 

For example, you can sponsor a local Alcoholics Anonymous group in exchange for marketing efforts. The group can then link to your website, improving its SEO and helping to build your reputation as an upstanding member of the community. As a result, more people will recognize your name, and members of your community are more likely to seek you out when they receive DUIs. 

Support ‘Safe and Sober’ Holiday Rides

Another excellent way to increase the visibility of your firm is to support or fund “sober rides” during the holiday season. 

Many people get DUIs when driving after holiday parties. By supporting safe alternatives to drunken driving, you put your name in front of the people who are most likely to need your services. You can also place articles about the service on your site, giving you a more positive way to target DUI keywords. 

Enroll in Legal Directory Sites

A more general method of finding quality DUI lawyer leads is to enroll in legal directory websites. Some people will simply search these sites directly, so enrolling can put you in front of motivated eyes. 

These directories can also help you appear more frequently in searches for DUI attorneys in your area, especially if you tailor your profile accordingly. Finally, they can help boost the SEO of your firm’s site. Backlinks—links to your website from other sources—are an important part of how Google determines which sites appear at the top of a search results page. 

Produce Quality Legal Content

If you want to bring in leads that are likely to convert, you can add more informational content to your website. A blog, for example, is a common feature on many business sites. 

People who need an attorney will have specific questions about aspects of the legal process. By offering content with clear answers that target common search terms and points of confusion, you can reach more people who are motivated to get an attorney. You also build goodwill by offering answers without a paywall, developing a meaningful relationship with leads from the start. 

Use the Right Tools for the Job

Finding top-quality leads that will convert is a challenging task, especially for DUI attorneys. You don’t need to do it alone, though. Martindale-Avvo offers a number of services that can help you find the type of DUI leads you want and convert them effectively. Whether you need more leads or simply better ones, Martindale-Avvo can help you get the clients who are best for you. 

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