Top 3 Time-Management Tips for Busy Attorneys Today

Top 3 Time-Management Tips for Today’s Busy Attorney

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Let’s face it — keeping up with daily responsibilities is hard work, especially for attorneys. Everyone wants to be busy and get as much done as possible, but sometimes too much is too much. Without proper time-management methods set in place, it can be quite easy to experience burnout. Burning out is not only undesirable, but it can actually have dramatically negative effects on your career.

While time-management can sometimes be difficult, there are plenty of things that you can do in order to improve your chances of staying on top of things. Modern technology has made multitasking easier than ever, even for the busiest attorneys. Here are three time-management tips that will make getting through the day far less stressful than it might otherwise be.

1. Organize Your Life with Apps

At this point, smartphones are so ingrained in daily life that it’s become odd to meet those who don’t use them. Smartphone apps aren’t just for fun and games — they can be powerful organizational tools. There are countless applications that can help you to schedule and organize your day, many of which are available free of charge. A calendar (give Business Calendar Free a shot) with a reminder option, for example, will ensure that you never miss a beat. For those who get pulled in a variety of different directions throughout a normal day, this (and other apps) can be a lifesaver.

2. Use Project Management Software

For many attorneys, one of the most difficult aspects of the work week is keeping up with different caseloads. Jumping back and forth between clients can be exceptionally difficult, especially in situations where each case is dramatically different from one another. Fortunately, project management software can help to keep everything in its right place. You can organize everything from clients and contacts to projects/tasks, setting priorities and deadlines. There’s something about having a visual to follow when trying to organize your thoughts, especially when you can customize it to fit your work style. Start with a free program (Apptivo is a great option), and if it seems like a good fit, you might want to consider trying some of the paid software that is available.

3. Build a Social Intranet

When you’re working with other members of your firm on a case, getting everyone in the same place at the same time can sometimes be easier said than done. One of the best solutions to this conundrum is to have a social intranet built for you with software such as Communifire. Think of a Facebook-like platform that only you and others in your firm use to communicate, delegate tasks, discuss strategy and more. Social intranets are the wave of the future, and there are a variety of different companies that provide these services. Building a customized intranet can be costly, but the time and energy it will save you and others in your firm make the price well worth it.



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