The Power of Brand Personas in Law Firm Marketing - Martindale-Avvo

The Power of Brand Personas in Law Firm Marketing

Branding, law business brand

One of the best ways to continue bringing in new clients is by connecting with your ideal client. In law firm marketing, every opportunity you have to communicate with potential customers is a chance for them to learn more about you, your law firm, and what you stand for. This online personality you set up for yourself is commonly referred to as the brand persona.

You might be surprised to learn how impactful a brand persona can be for your marketing. What your brand says can determine whether a potential client fills out your contact form, clicks a button on your website, or otherwise engages with your firm online.

So how do you formulate the ideal brand persona for your firm? What image should you be going for? And how do you get started? Here’s more about the brand persona and how your law firm can start finessing your reputation online.

What Is the Brand Persona?

First, let’s dive deeper into what the brand persona is. Your law firm as a whole needs to have an image. What types of personality traits, values, and attitudes does your law firm embody? These should be showcased to help you connect with your ideal clients. 

If you are unsure where to start, consider your ideal client. Once you can envision who they are and what they are looking for, you can create digital content specifically for their needs. Your brand persona should always be authentic to your law firm, as this is going to be the best way for your potential clients to trust your firm and gain their loyalty once they hire your firm for their legal matters. 

Benefits of Brand Personas

Sitting down and taking the time to develop your law firm’s brand persona can be time-consuming. Before you take the time out of your busy schedule, you want to be sure that your efforts are going to pay off. The good news is, brand personas can prove to be an invaluable resource for your law firm and digital marketing strategy for years to come. 

Your brand persona can help you determine what most of your clients have in common. If you are a personal injury law firm, your clients will all have suffered some type of serious injury— so your law firm’s brand persona should be known for helping people who have suffered devastating injuries caused by someone else’s actions (or inactions).

This is a great opportunity for your law firm to build a real connection with your ideal clients and attract your target audience. If you do not go out of your way to craft your brand persona, one will develop all on its own based on the way you do business and carry yourself.

Unfortunately, many lawyers and law firms may not be conveying the impression they want; nor one that is going to make target clients want to contact you for their legal representation. Taking the time to create your brand persona intentionally gives you the control to formulate the law firm personality you always intended. 

What Does It Take to Build a Brand Persona?

Now that you understand why it is so important to craft your brand persona, you may be wondering how to get started. The first place to start is by getting into the mind of your ideal client. This goes well beyond basic demographics. You need to become your ideal client. Ask yourself:

  • What challenges are they facing?
  • What are their pain points and fears?
  • What experiences have they had?
  • What are they hoping to attain by contacting a lawyer?

Many potential clients may have had poor experiences with attorneys in the past, or they may have serious concerns about moving forward with legal action. Whatever the case, when you have a clear understanding of their pain points, you can be proactive in your marketing approach and provide them with the most value.

As you begin to craft your brand persona consider the following:

  1. Envision your brand persona. What does your law firm stand for?
  2. Create an overview of your law firm. What do you do? Who do you serve?
  3. Make a list of the personality traits you want to be known for. Is your law firm family-oriented and compassionate? Or are you domineering and aggressive? These details matter to your clients more than you might think.
  4. Using the above information, craft your law firm’s personality or brand
  5. Be sure to keep in mind the ways that your law firm will be engaging with potential clients online
  6. Choose your law firm’s style guide carefully to match your brand persona; using colors and fonts that align with who your law firm is and what you value

How to Utilize Your Law Firm’s Brand Persona

Now that you have crafted your law firm’s brand persona, it’s time to start utilizing it. There are many ways you can start connecting with your target clients. But many law firms make the mistake of trying to do a little of everything. They end up spreading their marketing efforts and budget too thin to produce any real results.

You can avoid mistakes like these by thinking more like your target client. How are they connecting with your law firm most often? Do you get a lot of traffic on social media? Or is your website contact form your primary source of leads? Maybe your ideal clients are Zoomers who use TikTok for their information.

That’s right, even social media platforms like TikTok have become search engines all their own, each with its own opportunity to connect. If your target clients spend their time on TikTok, if you aren’t creating video content to reach them, and are instead focusing on pay-per-click advertising, you’re not taking advantage of the opportunities you should be. You’re also wasting money on marketing efforts that aren’t producing a return on your investment.

To fully utilize your brand’s persona, you have to always be thinking about who your target client is, what legal services they need, and how you can show them that you’re the law firm to provide them with those legal services.

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