Richard Preira's Legal Success with Avvo | Martindale-Avvo

Richard Preira’s Trust in Avvo Leads to Legal Success

family and marital law coral gables

Richard Preira of Richard J. Preira & Associates Marital & Family Law had not always turned to Martindale-Avvo for his online law firm marketing needs. But after the previous marketing and advertising solutions he’d used failed to impress, he discovered Martindale-Avvo and his law firm advertising and marketing turned completely around.

Previous Options Fell Short

If you were to pull up Richard Preira’s website today, one of the first things you might notice is that the law firm is transitioning. There is an announcement that the firm is now Richard J. Preira & Associates, previously RCC Family Law. After migrating from another law firm, RJP has restructured itself, and the current website reflects the recent metamorphosis.

While the main information is on display for potential clients, Richard emphasized that the website requires much more before it meets his satisfaction. 

Unfortunately, another legal marketing company had originally designed Richard’s website. According to Richard, the competitor fell short of his law firm’s marketing expectations too often to continue the relationship. 

“We actually wrote narratives for them…and they didn’t get them right. There was a new account executive every few months. It was too arduous trying to keep on task.”

His disappointment was mainly due to their lack of attention to detail including grammatical errors, misspellings, contact detail errors, and bad photos.

While these issues were enough to frustrate Richard J. Preira and Associates, the competitor’s questionable lead delivery system may have been the final straw. They assigned RJP an in-house phone number and heavily advertised this contact information, causing it to rise above his law firm’s website listing. When existing clients found and used this advertising phone number, the system claimed credit for the lead. The metrics were inexcusably skewed.

“It was virtually impossible to dig down into what the actual origination was.”

Richard realized that his firm’s online legal advertising desperately needed a change.

Finding Martindale-Avvo

From the first conversation with Avvo sales rep Alicia (Devine; reach her at Avvo’s Seattle offices, PST: 206-395-2236), Richard was impressed with the general tone exhibited by the company. There wasn’t a standard hard sales pitch. Instead of selling Richard what Avvo could do for him, Alicia surprised Richard by asking what he hoped to achieve for his business with Avvo’s products. 

“That was a real twist from what I’ve become used to. And she listened — I know she listened because when we spoke the following week, she told me her impressions, and they were spot on.”

He appreciated the respect, authenticity, and convenience of his first interactions with Martindale-Avvo. He requested a few days to consider joining Avvo and set up a convenient date and time to speak again. 

Richard Preira’s Avvo Experience

Richard signed up for Martindale-Avvo’s services, ranging from online law firm marketing to online legal profiles.

According to Richard, one of the best and unexpected results of using Avvo’s online legal advertising services is leveraging the time difference. Richard notes that Avvo’s representatives are acutely aware of his time zone and communicate with him at times when he is best suited to engage in conversation.

“It’s really a special company in my experience.”

The Importance of Reviews

One of the most special impacts Avvo has had on Richard’s experience with Martindale-Avvo is the reviews his clients leave him. Many of Richard’s family law clients come to him during their bleakest points. He supports them psychologically and emotionally when they have nearly lost all hope.

One client wrote an Avvo review that discussed how she came to Richard at one of the darkest moments in her life. Richard was not only willing to zealously represent her but also he understood the extent of the experience had impacted her self-confidence. He helped this client feel heard and validated — perhaps to an extent she had not experienced in recent years. 

It’s User-Friendly

One aspect that Richard especially appreciates about Avvo is how easy it is to be hands-off. Richard’s time is precious. Anything that can simplify his professional life is welcome. Of course, on the rare occasion when he wants oversight of his profile, he has found it easy enough to handle himself.

 “I don’t ever have to do anything; it’s sort of plug and play. But on those occasions when there is some personal achievement… It has always been so user-friendly as opposed to the other sites where I had to contact a representative to do it for me.”

Richard has found the Avvo process so user-friendly that he hasn’t communicated with his account manager once since setting it up.

Spotlight on Richard Preira

Richard Preira has been practicing law for 40 years. His law firm, Richard J. Preira & Associates, is located in Coral Gables, Florida, just southwest of Miami. He offers marital and family legal services related to the following:

  • Complex dissolution of marriage
  • Nuptial agreements
  • Child custody
  • Domestic violence
  • Parental alienation
  • International abduction

He has received multiple awards and recognitions from well-known organizations such as the U.S. News and a five-star rating on

Client Coaches

After 40 years in the business, Richard Preira has learned unique methods of helping his clients cope with often heartbreaking situations. After years of offering emotional and psychological support to his clients, he has found a way to assist those facing seemingly insurmountable circumstances. 

Richard Preira has created a local network of client coaches. 

These client coaches are ex-clients who have made it to the other side. They are uniquely situated to empathize with his current clients. Richard connects his current clients to past clients with the same basic experience. This helps his current clients realize there is hope. They meet living proof that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

“When we close out a case, we interview our clients and ask them if they would be willing to be a client coach…and they’re willing to do it. In fact, they want to do it.”

This collaboration proves to Richard’s clients that good legal results aren’t just something lawyers promise. Rather, these results are a real possibility if they trust in the legal system and Richard’s team of attorneys.

Commitment to Diversity

One of Richard’s complaints about his previous online legal marketing company was their exclusive usage of images featuring non-diverse families that do not represent his clientele in a community as diverse as Coral Gables and Miami. 

“You need to show people that you are available to them, not just the fellow who lives up the block or next door.”

While Richard Preira & Associates represent clients regardless of gender, most of their clients are women. Richard notes that in representing women who have survived domestic abuse and other intimidating situations, he’s inspired by their empowerment. He appreciates witnessing the empowerment these women obtain when they stand up for their rights.

“I see them recognizing that empowerment is something that you need to obtain. It just doesn’t rain down upon you, and unless you stand up for your right — to obtain it — you won’t get it.” 

Martindale-Avvo’s Online Legal Advertising Can Help 

If you are searching for user-friendly and personalized online legal advertising, the team at Martindale-Avvo can help. Let’s connect to find out how we can make Avvo work to accomplish your unique goals.

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