How Proper Phone Etiquette Adds Value to Your Firm - Martindale-Avvo

How Proper Phone Etiquette Adds Value to Your Firm

Potential clients have one thing in common;  they are not aware of the quality of your legal work.  They do not have the background to judge the strengths of your oral arguments or the written briefs or the way your attorneys present themselves in court.    All they know about your law firm and your legal team is how you treat them. It is your responsibility to make them feel respected and make them feel that their legal issues are a high priority for you and your staff.  When their phone calls are handled promptly and efficiently, it adds value to your firm.

As a law firm, what do you get in return?  A free way to market your firm and gain more business.

It is estimated that 72 percent of potential clients only consider one law firm during their search process.  This translates to the fact that an initial phone call is probably your only opportunity convert the lead to a client. If you aren’t caring for your callers correctly, they will contact another firm.

Most clients are also motivated by emotion and not logic. So, it is essential that your staff is responsive to their needs.  Show them that your law firm is interested in helping them with their case.

Potential for Referrals

Even if the person doesn’t end up hiring you, if you have treated them with respect and kindness, it will go a long way.  The caller can end up referring you to another person. Some firms gained a valuable referral by word of mouth from another client.   Leaving all callers with the best impression possible is important.

Cooperative Clients

The criminal or civil legal processes are completely unknown to potential clients.  They have no idea what to expect regarding resolving their case. If you have handled their questions adequately and efficiently during the intake process, they will feel more comfortable with your attorneys and staff handling their case.   They may be quick to respond to requests from your staff, such as documentation or medical records, which will make your job a whole lot easier.

Set Yourself Apart from the Competition

Due to market saturation, it is difficult for attorneys to differentiate themselves from one another.  Outstanding customer service and the desire to do right by the client sets your firm apart from the competition.  When you show professionalism and dedication from the intake process to resolution of the case, it will draw in more business to the firm.

The Benefits of Hiring Good Phone Staff

There is always an upfront cost of hiring a dedicated phone staff regarding training, benefits, and salary.   Some law firms might view these expenses as an unnecessary cost but seeing it that way ignores the potential revenue-generating income of the legal team. The phone intake staff should also focus on getting leads and closing sales.  By using their attentive listening skills and powers of persuasion, your staff is selling your law firm’s services and strengths over the phone. A single person trained in phone etiquette and intake could end up generating more revenue for the firm.  Even the cases you don’t take on may become referral sources because of how the staff treated them.

Proper phone etiquette is a necessity for marketing your law practice.  It is essential that your intake staff is up to the challenge. If you have excellent phone intake staff working for you, it could pay off in more dollars for your law firm and marketing opportunities for your business.

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