M-A Study: Understanding the Legal Consumer (2022) - Martindale-Avvo

M-A Study: Understanding the Legal Consumer (2022)

Our latest study reiterates the importance of an online presence to attract legal consumers

We released our latest annual consumer report just last month, where we questioned 600+ legal consumers about what they look for when hiring an attorney. The results highlight important factors in the legal consumer’s journey, from hiring an attorney to closing a case.

Our primary goal is to help attorneys attract more clients and grow the business of their practice. Consumers interviewed for this year’s report continue to value attorneys who respond promptly to their calls and who have invested time in obtaining online client reviews. 

As in past years, consumers gravitated towards online resources in their search for an attorney. Some of our key findings: 

  • Before contacting an attorney, potential clients said the top things they’d like to know more about include pricing and fees (58%), responsiveness of the attorney (54%), years of experience (48%) and online reviews or testimonials (46%). 
  • When listing their top resources for finding an attorney, as a first resource, 27% turned to search engines, while another 27% turned to online reviews and directories. 
  • As a second resource, 25% used online reviews and directories, while 22% used search engines. 
  • Additionally, 63% of users said they searched for online content — including articles, Q&As and videos — to help handle their legal matters. 
  • Nearly half the respondents (47%), listed online reviews as “very important” to their decision-making process, while another 34% listed them as “somewhat important.” 

The research makes clear that whether it’s an online search, review, or content about a legal matter, the internet is king when it comes to finding an attorney. While personal recommendations may influence the start of a search, the word of search engines, social media and Martindale-Avvo websites like Avvo.com and Lawyers.com take precedence. 

“The majority of consumers searching for an attorney turn to an online search, whether they’re looking for an attorney by name or practice area,” said Suke Jawanda, Senior Vice President and Group General Manager at Martindale-Avvo. “Having a strong presence in reputable online directories, such as those provided by Martindale-Avvo, is critical. 

“Our research shows again and again that attorneys need to meet clients where they are — online. It’s crucial for attorneys to invest time and resources into building a strong online presence, backed by good reviews and quick response times.” 

This study reinforces Martindale-Avvo’s mission of helping attorneys build strong online businesses by providing firms with research-driven statistics that can help them develop their online marketing strategies. Find the full report in our research files on Martindale-Avvo.com. 

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