How Much Content Should You Write for Your Law Firm Website? - Martindale-Avvo

How Much Content Should You Write for Your Law Firm Website?

We will start by being up front: when it comes to creating compelling content for your website, that will both resonate with the user and also conform to Google’s quality guidelines, there is no magic formula to determine how long it should be. At a minimum, you need at least two or three paragraphs of topic-relevant content along with related titles and section headings.

According to Google, the three most important factors to consider when creating content are expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. First, the expertise factor. You want to demonstrate your in-depth, professional knowledge about the topic.

Second, authority. There are very few topics on the internet that are new– most have been covered already.  You want to take your topic, cover it in detail, but also say something new. Your goal is to have others cite and link to your content. You want to be the original author on your particular angle, establishing yourself as the authority.

Lastly, the trust factor.  Search engines register trust when they see a website that has other reputable online companies linking to it and vice versa.  Likewise, when people mention your firm in their social profiles and elsewhere. By developing a piece that demonstrates expertise and authority you are on your way to building trust.

So, let’s go back to the question, “How much content should you write?”  The answer: Whatever it takes to satisfy those requirements.

Depending on your target audience, the subject you select may require more content to cover the topic, while other pieces might need only a few paragraphs. Make sure your target audience can understand the content on their first read and not overwhelm them with too many complicated terms. Also, remember that you are writing for the end-user, not the search engines, so write naturally, and proofread. You don’t want to be stuffing keywords into your content to “rank higher in Google.” This makes the content hard to digest, users will inevitably leave your site, and you’ll lose your shot at getting that lead.

Legal questions that your clients ask on a regular basis provide a good source for website content.  By answering basic inquiries, you can provide helpful information and establish your firm’s expertise and authority.

Ultimately, you have to be the authority when it comes to content on your website. If something new comes up in your industry or in your practice area, you should write about it. You should stay informed and let Google know that you are aware of the newsworthy events that apply to your practice. The more frequently you can keep up with the news and generate compelling content to address it, the more relevant it will be to your prospective clients.


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