Hit the Ground Running with Your 2021 Law Firm Marketing Plan - Martindale-Avvo

Hit the Ground Running with Your 2021 Law Firm Marketing Plan

Hit the Ground Running

As one of the most eventful years in human history is now behind us, it’s never been a better time to take stock of what’s working for your law firm in the marketing department. Seeing as the economic impact of 2020 is likely to stay for some time, it’s crucial to evaluate your current marketing strategies to see if there are a few areas where you could switch things up a bit. 

Reviewing Yearly Analytics 

The best place to start is to review your metrics for the year and compare them with data from past years. What worked for your firm this year? What worked for your firm in previous years but fell flat in 2020? Reviewing and analyzing past data can be a good way to get a feel for the future, but it’s especially difficult  now given what we experienced last year compared to years past.  

Checking your online metrics can tell you if your firm met its growth goals in 2020. They can also clue you into the numbers you want to hit in the coming year, and this goes for general online traffic, conversions, and social media engagement. 

Law Firm Website SEO Audits 

SEO is a learning curve for us all, so don’t be discouraged to discover your rankings aren’t as stellar as you’d hoped. Hiring a qualified SEO company to audit your firm’s website could enlighten you on some problems preventing your website from being indexed or crawled properly. A good SEO company will audit things like code errors, link analysis, page speed, mobile readiness, and duplicate content. However, this could cost you anywhere from nothing to up to $2,000. Be sure to do your homework and make sure your budget can afford a thorough SEO audit before you hire a company to conduct one. 

Reviewing Your Current A/B Testing for PPC Campaigns 

Even running small A/B tests on your Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns can generate significant conversion rates. As always, you should first review your current A/B campaigns to see how users are interacting with your website, which should give you a good idea of which pages you want to test. 

Upon review, you may learn that you need to revamp your email campaign, landing pages, or firm website in general. A/B testing is a great way to do this, as they can provide a window into your average client’s mind: what they’re thinking, what resonates with them, and what their pain points are. 

Assessing the Market’s Strengths and Weaknesses 

Getting an idea of current and future market trends will only help you devise more prudent strategies in the future. Unsurprisingly, a growing trend in the legal industry is the well-being of attorneys. This benefits both clients and lawyers alike, as firms become increasingly concerned with their employees’ mental health and how it affects their performance. More importantly, healthy and happy lawyers are far more likely to produce better work, leading to  happier clients in return. 

Digital marketing is expected to explode in popularity even more so in the coming years, if for no other reason than the social distancing protocols put in place by government leaders across the nation. Personalized ad campaigns will be another growing trend for 2021, as clients yearn to stand out to businesses, but from a distance. 

Reviewing the Effectiveness of Person-to-Person Campaigns 

Person-to-person campaigns can be effective methods for networking and developing your business under normal circumstances. However, social distancing has thrown a wrench into all of this, preventing large public gatherings and events for almost a year now. 

Unsurprisingly, hosting in-person events, like conferences or charity galas, is not only looked down upon at the moment, but it’s outright prohibited in most places. Moving forward in 2021, it might be wise to invest money in more remote ventures when attempting to network with others. 

Checking in on Your Online Reputation 

The internet is the first and only taste of immortality we’ll ever know; with that in mind, it’s safe to assume that whatever’s online lives forever. For business owners and other professionals, this fact drives home the importance of cleaning up your bio pages on third-party websites like Martindale-Hubbell, Avvo, and Google Business Profile to make sure everything is up-to-date and accurate.

If you happen to come across a particularly nasty review of either you or your firm, remember that your response is equally, if not more, important when doing damage control. Always respond with courtesy, empathy, and respect when managing these negative reviews. You may end up boosting your reputation in the process. 

Kick-Off Your Legal Marketing 

With 2021 still in its infancy, having this fresh start is a welcome feeling for many of us. Fortunately, the shifting economic landscape provides some new and exciting marketing avenues for the new year. All you have to do is see what’s currently working for you and make changes from there. 

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