Best Marketing Tools for Your Law Firm - Martindale-Avvo

Best Marketing Tools for Your Law Firm

Marketing Approaches for Lawyers

In 2022, your law firm’s digital marketing strategy is more vital to your bottom line than ever. Specific tools or marketing mediums will be imperative to keeping up with the competition. Without their use, you won’t have a competitive advantage, let alone a seat at the table. Here are three of the best marketing tools for your law firm that you should consider as soon as possible.

1. A Website

Over the last decade or two, many law firms have continued to rely on YELP, yellow pages, and word-of-mouth referrals to attract business. For one reason or another, they have avoided the digital footprint of a website. While they may feel as if they have beat the system, it will not work for them much longer.

In today’s hot legal market, you need a personalized website that allows potential clients to engage with your attorneys before they even pick up the phone or type an email. For some clients, a website simply serves as a business card that alerts them to your existence, legal niche, location, and contact information. For others, it’s a way to get a feel for your brand and determine if you are an authority in your area of legal practice. Either way, a law firm website tailored to your company’s needs and objectives is necessary to boost your visibility to clients.

Pro-tip: Connect with us on how to build a new website that prioritizes conversion.

2. Regular Blogs

While Twitter, at its inception and many others along the way, wanted us all to believe that blogs were dead, this simply isn’t the case. Even though potential clients can receive quick snippets of information through social media and other platforms, blog postings remain an effective strategy to bring more visitors to a website. This is especially true if you can blog about the information and answers your potential clients are searching for.

Blogging doesn’t have to take up a lot of your time, nor must you do it every day or even weekly. The key is to post blogs consistently. Create a regular blogging schedule covering topics your potential clients want to learn more about. You’ll likely find that blog posts increase traffic to your website and help solidify your brand.

3. Legal Marketing Videos

The way your potential clients best receive and enjoy receiving information is constantly changing. Right now, thanks to TikTok, YouTube, and even features on Facebook and Instagram, videos are the way to really catch the attention of your reader. People prefer to consume content in familiar ways, which is one reason why video content is so popular. Another reason is that video content takes less time and energy to consume than something that must be read. Consider the following statistics according to Law Wiser:

  • By 2024, it’s estimated that over 80 percent of web traffic will be from video content. 
  • Law firms using legal video content have experienced a 41 percent increase in traffic.
  • Law firms that don’t use personal videos make up 97 percent of digitally inactive firms.

Like blogs, your legal videos can cover topics of interest to your desired audience. It’s also a good idea to incorporate client testimonials and real-life stories, as well as interviews with leading attorneys in your firm. 

The sooner you can implement these three content-driven tools, the more effective your marketing strategy will be for your firm. If need be, try to tackle one at a time or contact Martindale-Avvo for assistance in developing a marketing plan that works for you. For instance, start by creating your website, then adding a blog, and finally adding video content. It will undoubtedly take work; however, your return on investment can be exponential.

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