Reaching Prospects: Top Legal Marketing Trends - Martindale-Avvo

Reaching Prospects: Top Legal Marketing Trends

Digital marketing is evolving quickly; approaches that paid dividends just a few years ago are no longer as effective. If you’re looking to build a loyal client base in 2019, you’ll need to craft a sophisticated and seamless strategy that keeps prospects at the center. Integrate the following legal marketing trends to gain an edge in today’s competitive digital environment:

Omnichannel Marketing

Today’s discerning internet users aren’t merely content to find businesses on a variety of different platforms; they demand seamless integration. Prospective clients will jump ship if they cannot easily move between your website, your Facebook account, your Google reviews, and your YouTube videos.

Often referred to as ‘omnichannel marketing’, this concept stands in stark contrast to the multichannel marketing efforts of years past. The goal is no longer to conquer every platform. Instead, websites and social media accounts should be tailored to the audience, with a seamless experience available no matter which channel prospects reach first.

Optimizing for Voice Search

Siri and Alexa are in control; experts predict that voice-based queries will soon account for the majority of internet searches.

Long-tail keywords are increasingly valuable in this voice-driven environment — particularly conversational keywords that reflect common consumer questions. For example, traditional text searches such as “personal injury attorney Atlanta” may be replaced by “Where can I find a personal injury attorney in Atlanta?” When in doubt, opt for keywords that sound natural.

Hyperlocal Marketing

Local SEO is nothing new, but it will be of even greater importance in 2019. Not only do today’s prospects conduct local searches more often; they’re also far more likely to act on results targeted to their region.

The use of the keyword term ‘near me’ may have tapered off since hitting an early peak in 2015, but this by no means indicates a reduced frequency of local searches. Rather, mobile users now assume that Google will automatically ‘know’ where they are and what, exactly, is available in their immediate surroundings. Opportunities for meeting such expectations include updating Google Business Profile listings and using location-based marketing to target nearby mobile users.

Reviews on Several Platforms

For years, customers have sought social proof when researching restaurants on Yelp or browsing products on Amazon. Now, this demand is beginning to extend to other types of businesses — including law firms.

Today’s clients aren’t satisfied by a handful of reviews on a single platform; they want to see ample feedback from a variety of sources, including Google Business Profile, Facebook, and Avvo. One or two bad comments won’t destroy your reputation, but a general lack of reviews will make it difficult to build trust among prospects.

A few marketing strategy tweaks could spell big improvements for client outreach in 2019. Focus on establishing a seamless digital experience; prospects will naturally follow.

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