Why Attorneys Should Listen to Legal Intake Calls for Quality Control - Martindale-Avvo

Why Attorneys Should Listen to Legal Intake Calls for Quality Control

Legal Intake Calls

Legal intake forms the starting point for every client-attorney relationship. Phone calls can set the tone for a strong connection—or drive away the most promising leads. Hence, the importance of vetting intake specialists thoroughly not only during the hiring process, but also long after they’ve joined your legal team.

Top Benefits of Intake Call Quality Control

Today’s busy attorneys often claim that they lack sufficient time for monitoring client intake. What they fail to realize, however, is that even a few minutes of tracking could yield major dividends down the road. Quality intake leads to quality clients while also reducing the need for time-consuming follow-ups.

Benefits abound, but these are among the most important considerations when determining whether and how often to listen to client intake calls.

Maintaining Accountability Among Intake Specialists

Even the most talented and diligent intake professionals require guidance from time to time. Many are entirely unaware of problematic vocal tendencies and other habits that might bother potential clients. These issues may not be evident until staffers answer calls, as many people speak differently over the phone than they do in person. Regular feedback is critical as new concerns may emerge over time.

Beyond offering constructive criticism, it’s important to encourage staff members to listen to recordings of themselves. While few enjoy hearing their own voices, this exercise will quickly drive home the need for improvement. The more often they hear themselves, the more likely intake specialists are to make the adjustments necessary to connect more effectively with promising leads.

Even if you aren’t able to provide regular feedback, the mere awareness that you’re involved in the intake process offers a valuable element of accountability. While trust is essential, some staff members may conduct calls differently when they know that somebody is either currently listening in or will be in the near future.

Learning How Prospective Clients Respond to Different Types of Interactions

Call listening sessions should prove a valuable learning experience at the attorney level. By gauging client responses and associated conversion rates, you can determine which types of clients respond best to your current intake approach.

During this process, you may discover a need for more thorough segmentation and personalization. If clients simply aren’t responding to a specific type of script, you’ll want to know sooner rather than later so that you can adjust accordingly.

How Often Should Lawyers Listen to Intake Calls?

Quality control is important, but it’s not necessary to listen to every call. The ideal frequency for intake listening sessions will vary somewhat based on the breadth of cases your law firm handles, how many intake specialists you employ, and whether you also utilize outsourcing solutions. Consider mixing up the times and days on which you listen to calls, as intake staff and prospects may interact differently in the morning versus the afternoon—or on a Monday versus a Friday.

The importance of lead intake cannot be understated. Even occasional efforts to listen in on calls will promote the accountability needed to elevate your law firm’s intake protocol—and to boost conversion rates.

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