6 Approaches for Effective Disability Attorney Marketing - Martindale-Avvo

6 Approaches for Effective Disability Attorney Marketing


Every legal niche calls for its own unique marketing approach. Nowhere is this more evident than in disability attorney marketing. 

Strategies that pay dividends for criminal defense or personal injury attorneys often fall short in disability law, which calls for targeted, empathetic service, as well as a streamlined system for handling a high volume of cases. 

If you’re struggling to tailor your campaign based on the unique realities of disability law, these marketing suggestions should help: 

Promise Prompt Service

Do you understand the motivations that drive your leads’ efforts to get in touch? 

In disability law, most clients are desperate for successful claims—and they want their benefits as soon as possible. Reassure them of your swift service and you’ll have no trouble getting them to convert.

Legal ethics may prevent you from making specific promises about when or how you can procure disability benefits, but you should still demonstrate empathy while making it clear that you’ll go the extra mile to facilitate a desirable outcome. 

Brand messaging should include descriptions such as “prompt” or “swift.” 

Even more important? Showing instead of telling—all it takes is a quick response to demonstrate your firm’s value to prospective clients.

Avoid Voicemail

To really emphasize the swift nature of your disability services, staff your practice to ensure that someone is always available to discuss claims, appeals, and other urgent matters. 

Remember: prospects want to discuss their concerns with an empathetic professional who understands why they’re stressed, and who recognizes why claims feel so urgent. 

Prospects who are unable to immediately discuss these concerns over the phone will quickly move on to the next opportunity. Accordingly, having a strategic intake process keeps you from sending hard-won leads straight to your competitors.

In the event that you’re unable to immediately get in touch with qualified leads, implement a follow-up system to ensure that you contact all prospects in a quick, yet meaningful manner. To increase the likelihood of reaching new prospects during busy periods, leads should be given top priority.

Opt for Clear, Concise Content

The chief prerogatives of any disability law marketing content should be to inform clients about the claims process and to highlight how your legal services will deliver a swift outcome. 

Every piece should provide detailed and accessible information that positions your law firm as an industry authority. This should be true not only of blog posts, but also for social media updates, YouTube videos, and even pay-per-click (PPC) ads. 

Drive home the purpose of your content, but avoid or remove any extraneous details that fail to meet the client’s immediate need for information or commiseration.

Vet New Clients

With disability attorney marketing, lead quality matters just as much as quantity. 

The right channels will deliver a steady flow of new prospects. Without early vetting, however, you risk wasting your time on leads who aren’t actually eligible for claims or likely to follow through. 

To promote better conversions and a higher ROI, develop a strict vetting process that integrates a series of quick, targeted questions designed to determine eligibility for benefits. Topics discussed may include:

  • Medical history, including records from recent doctor visits
  • Employment status, including wages and number of hours worked
  • Date last insured
  • Previous applications for benefits

Use Referrals

Take advantage of existing contacts to build an additional revenue stream for your disability law firm. The ideal referral strategy should send qualified leads your way while promoting the trust needed to produce quick conversions. 

Capture details with help from a dedicated referral portal—and don’t forget to give credit where it’s due.

Integrate Lead and Case Management

What happens when disability leads convert? 

This practice area’s notoriously high volume of prospects demands a streamlined approach that prevents promising leads from falling through the cracks. This means implementing disability case management software designed to handle the constant flow of new leads. 

The best programs pick up the pace, but without compromising evidence collection or claim accuracy. The goal? Swift case processing that allows you to focus on building trusting relationships with qualified leads and converted clients alike. 

A strategic, disability-oriented approach to legal marketing will allow you to at once keep up with a dizzying pace of new prospects and provide the exceptional quality of service that struggling clients deserve. 

Your efforts to cultivate purposeful content and a streamlined system will pay dividends for your firm and clients alike. 

Are you ready to step up your disability attorney advertising game but not sure where to start? 

Let the team at Martindale-Avvo provide you with the inspiration and insight you need to tailor your strategy and improve your marketing ROI. Connect with us today to get started. 

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