Hiring a Marketing Manager | Martindale-Avvo

How to Run a Law Firm | Who to Hire: Marketing Manager

Running a law firm is a lot of work. Large law firms understand the need for effective marketing and often hire internal marketing managers to handle this task. They have the resources to hire and benefit from a marketing manager on their staff.

Hiring a full-time marketing manager may not make sense for lawyers in solo, small, or mid-sized law firms in the U.S. Third-party marketing services give your firm the countless benefits of a marketing manager without the high cost of hiring someone full-time. 

Martindale-Avvo can help you market your law firm and advertise your business. With industry-leading marketing tools, we give you the resources you need to advertise effectively and bring potential clients in the door. Let us help you get started.

What Is a Law Firm Marketing Manager?

A law firm marketing manager may be an employee of a firm or may be hired through a third-party company. They are an essential part of any marketing staff and the staff of a successful law firm. In this increasingly competitive environment, relying on word of mouth is not enough. Effective marketing and advertising are key to your firm’s success.

A marketing manager handles the important marketing tasks for your firm, such as:


A crucial aspect of a marketing manager’s job is communications for a law firm. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Press Releases: A press release about a recent success, new firm member, and other important news highlights why your firm is a great choice for clients. This news operates as an indirect advertisement for your firm.
  • Social Media: Americans spend a great deal of time on social media. Advertising where your potential clients spend their time is always a good choice. An effective law firm marketing manager knows how to do this correctly.
  • Staff Member Bios: Your attorneys and staff are what makes you a good choice for clients. A marketing manager knows how to write and present your bios in the right way to draw potential clients into your office.
  • Blogs: Blogs focus on legal topics, news, and other key events. They demonstrate your knowledge of the law and drive business your way. They also direct more web traffic to your site when clients begin to research their issues online. 
  • Firm Website: Your firm’s website is often its first impression with potential clients. An effective website design with good content keeps people’s attention and shows you care about your clients.
  • Marketing Material Design: Direct marketing and advertising are also key to your success. A marketing manager understands how to advertise on multiple mediums, such as radio, television, the internet, and even traditional marketing like billboards. 

Business Development

Marketing managers understand more than just advertising. They also understand the key benefits of business development. This includes selling your firm to potential clients. This frees you up to handle the legal work you know and do well. 

Business development is important whether your client is an individual or another business. However, it is especially important when you work with corporate entities and other businesses. A marketing manager understands these nuances and how to help you build lasting client relationships. To help accomplish this, a marketing manager will:

  • Plan and Manage Events: Law firms and attorneys host, attend, or speak at events. These events help draw attention to your firm and business. It is also a great way to connect with local businesses and potential clients.
  • Competitive Monitoring: A skilled law firm marketing professional knows what your competitors are doing. They use this information to help you stay ahead of the competition.
  • Media Interaction: Your firm may be the focus of a news story or other media attention. Whatever the situation, a marketing manager knows how to help you build your business by working with the media.
  • Marketing Research: Marketing research is key to understanding your client base and where you need to look to grow your business. A third-party marketing manager can help your small firm or individual-attorney office get the benefits that larger firms enjoy.

As you can see, a marketing manager is not just an advertiser. They know how to analyze real metrics and adapt your marketing strategies in real-time. They focus your attention on the law while building your law firm’s success.

Why Law Firm Marketing Managers Are Important

It is one thing to know what a law firm marketing manager does, it is another to know why it is important to you. Many small firms or solo practitioners attempt do-it-yourself (DIY) efforts at marketing. They think they can handle blog posts, social media campaigns, and other advertising.

Most quickly learn that it takes a lot of extra effort, time, and knowledge to actually handle this work effectively. They also realize that their time is better spent on practicing law. This is the area they know and their billable time is worth far more than their time spent on marketing efforts.

A marketing manager for your law firm makes it easy to handle your law firm’s communication and business development. They can handle the budget you’ve allocated towards marketing and advertising and make the most efficient use of those funds. The marketing manager can work with partners, staff, or other individuals you designate.

What To Ask When Picking a Marketing Manager for Your Law Firm

Hiring the correct marketing manager is about knowing why you want to hire one. Ask yourself the following questions to help you decide the best path for your firm:

  • Do I want to handle marketing myself?
  • How much decision-making power will I give my marketing manager?
  • What outcomes do I expect if I hire a marketing manager?
  • Should I hire a full-time marketing manager or use a third-party professional?
  • What marketing technology and automation is offered by the marketing manager?

Even after answering these questions, you may have more. Attorneys want accurate details and the knowledge that they will see a return on their investment. A third-party marketing manager is happy to answer these questions and demonstrate how they can help your firm be successful.

Salary Range for Full-Time Law Firm Marketing Managers

Without a doubt, it is more expensive to hire a full-time law firm marketing manager than to work with a third-party professional. Not only must you pay an employee’s salary, but you must also cover benefits, workers’ compensation costs, and a whole lot more. For small and medium firms, this is simply not feasible.

The salary range for a law firm marketing manager depends greatly on their experience and training. However, what is clear is that this professional occupation requires appropriate levels of pay.

According to ZipRecruiter, the average law firm marketing director’s salary is $68,510 per year. The top can easily reach six-figure salaries for more experienced marketing managers. This is a very high cost—especially considering the resources of most single-attorney offices or small law firms.

This is why most smaller firms and even large firms who are smart with their money look into a third-party marketing manager.

Third-Party Law Firm Marketing Services With Martindale-Avvo

Martindale-Avvo offers you third-party law firm marketing services that save you money, make advertising effective, and build your client base. We can help you convert more legal clients because you are connected with more prospective clients. 

Martindale-Avvo comprises multiple flagship online legal brands such as:

  • Martindale-Hubbell
  • Avvo
  • Ngage Live Chat
  • Martindale-Nolo

We offer the experience and services you need to increase your marketing effectiveness and reach more potential clients.

Advertising With Martindale-Avvo

You can be the first attorney prospective clients find when they search Lawyers.com, Avvo.com, and Martindale.com. A sponsored listing or display advertisement puts your firm front and center when a client searches for legal services. With one page profile, you can:

  • Target potential clients focused on your practice areas and geographies
  • Express your firm’s personality with attention-getting images
  • Receive up to 85% unique visitors, increasing your opportunity for growth
  • Get up to 70 times more prospective client contacts that non-advertisers

Advertising with Martindale-Avvo is easy and cost-effective. We create eye-catching display ads that cannot be missed. You will see increased visibility and measurable results with detailed reporting. 

Pay Per Lead Program

The Pay Per Lead Program connects you with potential clients in real-time. Their details are delivered right to your email or smartphone. It is powered by the highest-trafficked network of legal information sites. Our Pay Per Lead Program helps with each major area of law your clients are looking for, including, but not limited to:

  • Personal Injury
  • Divorce and Family Law
  • Bankruptcy
  • Criminal Defense
  • Driving under the influence (DUI)
  • Estate Planning

The Pay Per Lead Program means you only pay for actual leads that are generated for you. This means you always get a return on your investment when you are within this program.

How Martindale-Avvo Can Help With Legal Marketing Services

Hiring a marketing manager is often not an option. Small firms or medium size practices simply cannot afford to hire a marketing manager at that cost. Instead, you can save money by working with a third-party marketing manager at Martindale-Avvo. We can provide unique insights and visibility for your firm’s marketing for a fraction of the cost.

More than 850,000 visitors reach our sites each month. We can help connect you to potential leads and new prospective clients. Get connected with us to get started today.

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